Tesi di dottorato: Recent submissions
Now showing items 321-340 of 1595
Comparative studies on the physiological adaption of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum to envirnmental xenobiotics from invertebrate to mammals
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-04-20)Mitochondria are critical for numerous cellular and biochemical processes. The reciprocal interaction between mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum impacts several cellular functions. In cellular and animal models, ... -
Development of eco-sustainable methodologies for innovative materials inspired by cellulose fibers
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-04-28)This PhD is an “Industrial-PhD”, carried out in collaboration between University of Basilicata and LUCART S.p.A (Porcari, Lucca, Italy), in that case with the plant located at Avigliano (Potenza, Italy). The scholarship ... -
Development of a bioengineered three-dimensional scaffold able to commit stem cells toward tenogenic phenotype
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-06-23)The term tendinopathy is a generic descriptor of tendon disorders. Spontaneous adult tendon healing results in scar tissue formation and fibrosis, with impaired biological and mechanical properties. Adult tendons have ... -
Multiple object tracking and face-based video retrieval: applications of deep learning to video analysis
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-10-11)In recent years, deep learning (DL) has obtained numerous successes in analyzing complex data, such as images or audio. A particularly recent area of application is the analysis of videos. This thesis focuses on the ... -
Processi bioelettrochimici a membrane dinamiche autoformanti incapsulate per il trattamento sostenibile delle acque reflue
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-07-01)Access to water has become one of the main challenges of modern society due to the growing imbalance between the demand and availability of water resources. Studies carried out so far on wastewater treatment have ... -
Spugne digitali. Utenti e social network tra consumi mediali e pratiche partecipative in un confronto generazionale
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-04-26)Starting from the centrality that networked publics – "digital sponges", as we defined them – have in the mediascape in which we live, the research objectives that also guided the definition of the working methodology ... -
Synthesis of new water reducer superplasticizers for building materials
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-07-18)This industrial PhD project is focused on the development of new additives called Superplasticizers (SPs) that are particularly interesting for the engineering of construction field. These attracting molecules are organic ... -
Soft biometrics: emerging traits and applications
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-04-12)Biometrics has been a thriving field of Pattern Recognition forlong. Both Academia and Business have thus focused their at-tention in the practical use of biometrics to advance and pro-mote varying applications in ... -
Methodologies for environmental risks assessment related to the exploitation of energy geo-resources
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-10-05)The increasing exploitation of geo-energy resources to satisfy the needs of the world's population has also led to a focus on the risks associated with this type of human activity. It is in this context that this thesis ... -
La pedagogia del corpo in chiave semplessa
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-07-15)The scientific elaboration that revolves around the concepts of body and corporeity represents one of the objects of study of educational research that has given rise to a new transdisciplinary perspective; through the ... -
Biometric system in homeland security context
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-06-20)The mission of homeland security is ensuring the safety of living communities and protecting citizens from unforeseen events. In this research field, intelligent and advanced systems are extremely useful to prevent from ... -
Exploring the transport properties of quantum systems on different lenght scales
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-11-10)In this thesis, after introducing some theoretical aspects of Mott insulators, pure single crystals of the Mott insulator Ca2RuO4 was investigated from an experimental point of view. The surprisingly low current density ... -
Lo perdido en la poesía del exilio de Rafael Alberti: «objetos, cosas y fetiches» en Pleamar, Retornos de lo vivo lejano, Ora maritima, Baladas y canciones del Paraná
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2020-10-09)The present thesis is about Alberti’s production of exile and, specifically, his collections of poems Pleamar, Retornos de lo vivo lejano, Ora maritima, Baladas y Canciones del Paraná. The four syllogs, published between ... -
Contes et nouvelles d’Émile Zola. Une lecture sociologique
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-11-24)Émile Zola started to write short stories at the beginning of his carrier. The image of the pioneer of Naturalism has always obscured this minor part of his literary production, which was regarded as a mere genetic support ... -
Empatia: il contributo delle neuroscienze all’analisi sociale
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-05-24)Empathy is the ability to place oneself in another person's situation or, more precisely, to immediately understand the emotional processes of the other at the basis of social conception, bonds, research and interpersonal ... -
Struttura dell’impugnazione per nullità del lodo rituale e funzione assicurativa dell’effettività del diritto dell’Unione.
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-09-14)The candidate’s doctoral thesis examines the impact of EU law on the structure of the annulment process of the arbitral award, considering that this is the most important moment in wich the arbitral award is subject ... -
Noncoercive nonlinear elliptic equations in unbounded domains
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2020-01-02)This research thesis is mainly devoted to the study of noncoercive Dirich let problems with discontinuous coefficients in unbounded domains. The presence of the noncoercive operator does not allow us to use classical the ... -
L’implementazione del group-based early start Denver model nella scuola dell'infanzia. Uno studio di caso
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2020-09-29)This thesis aims at identifying the potential characteristics and limitations of the Group based Early Start Denver Model (GESDM) in a Californian educational context using the Active Implementation Framework (Fixsen, ... -
Corporate profiling: text analytics for employability skills mining
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-11-02)In the current scenario, the increasing attention to big data realities is causing firms to develop new tools for corporate management, touching several realities from the marketing compart to the HR management. In the ... -
The impact of ECB. Unconventional monetary policies
(Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-05-29)This dissertation work deals with analysing more deeply the nature, motivations and effects, however measurable, of the unconventional monetary policies and it is aimed at addressing some questions about their adoption ...