• Farewell to Historical Consciousness? 

      Thünemann, Holger (H. Thünemann, Farewell to Historical Consciousness?, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 5, 2014)
      Apparently, there is a renewed interested in theoretical matters among history education researchers in Germany. This is not only indicated by the foundation of a new research group within the Konferenz für Geschichtsdidaktik, ...
    • Fastnacht der Hölle – Inklusion als Herausforderung im Museum 

      Alavi, Bettina (B. Alavi, Fastnacht der Hölle – Inklusion als Herausforderung im Museum, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 21, 2014)
      Die Unterzeichnung der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention zeigt auch Wirkungen auf die museumspädagogische Arbeit. Derzeit wird am Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württembergs in Stuttgart in Zusammenarbeit mit der Pädagogischen ...
    • Female Counter-Curation: A Case Study of Polish Napoleonic War Reenactment 

      Tomann, Juliane <Universität Regensburg, Germany> (J. Tomann, Female Counter-Curation: A Case Study of Polish Napoleonic War Reenactment, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 2, pp. 81-92, 2022)
      Historical reenactment has developed from a niche phenomenon to a global one over the past couple of decades. As a popular pastime it sparks enthusiasm and curiosity for past lifeworlds among the reenactors themselves as ...
    • La “Festa della Storia”: un progetto di public history 

      Borghi, Beatrice <Università di Bologna> (B. Borghi, La “Festa della Storia”: un progetto di public history, «Heritage & Museography», n. 14, 2014, pp. 21-28, (2014)
      The article contains some considerations on the concept of “public history”, the idea developed in the early Seventies of the last Century in the United States, in Canada and in the Anglo-Saxon world, that is the history ...
    • Fide, sed cui, vide. Wie “wahr” kann Geschichte sein? 

      Barricelli, Michele (M. Barricelli, Fide, sed cui, vide. Wie “wahr” kann Geschichte sein?, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 8, 2014)
      Glaubwürdigkeit ist ein neues boomendes Forschungsfeld der Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Auch beim historischen Lernen, sei es in Schule, Akademie oder vor dem Monitor, geht am Ende immer nur darum, auf gute Argumente ...
    • ‘Fluid’ Identity in Text-Building: A Study of the Revitalization of Origin Tales in West Hunan, China 

      Peng, Lijing <Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland> (L. Peng, ‘Fluid’ Identity in Text-Building: A Study of the Revitalization of Origin Tales in West Hunan, China, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 2, pp. 115-126, 2022)
      My research looks into the revitalization of Miao origin myths in the West Hunan minority ethnic autonomous prefecture in China. Based on two years of fieldwork and archival studies, I propose that West Hunan people’s ...
    • For what it is ‘worth’? Neoliberalism and Public History 

      De Groot, Jerome (J. De Goot, For what it is ‘worth’? Neoliberalism and Public History, «Public history weekly», 6, 2018, n. 12, 2018)
      This work arose from considerations of the relationship between Public History and the newly marketized UK University sector, mainly through focussing on the skills and impact agenda. Does Public History offer a resistance ...
    • Formazione professionale e traiettorie femminili: l’uso delle fonti orali 

      Bartolini, Stefano (S. Bartolini, Formazione professionale e traiettorie femminili: l’uso delle fonti orali, «Clionet», 2021, n. 5, pp. 83-89, 2021)
    • From Anniversary to Anniversaryitis 

      Demantowsky, Marko (M. Demantowsky, From Anniversary to Anniversaryitis, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 11, 2014)
      Jubilees, anniversaries, commemoration days, public holidays, etc. Anniversaryitis. The coincidences of the calendar and the astronomical constellations that determine it are increasingly and, today, almost exclusively, ...
    • From Confrontation to Détente? Controversies About a Planned Cold War Museum at Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin 

      Etges, Andreas <L. M. Universität München> (A. Etges, From confrontation to détente? Controversies about a planned cold war museum at Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin, «Memoria e Ricerca», 54, 2017, pp. 81-97, 2017)
      In 2006, as a reaction to criticism that Berlin was neglecting its duty to adequately remember the German division and the cold war, the government of the city-state of Berlin agreed on a "Master Plan for Remembering the ...
    • From Theory to Practice to Problem: Teaching Public History with a Real Client 

      Thomas, Adam Adrian <Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA> (A. A. Thomas, From Theory to Practice to Problem: Teaching Public History with a Real Client, «International Public History», 2, 2019, n. 1, pp. 1-3, 2019)
      In many ways, teaching public history through real-world projects is a panacea. After all, a properly trained graduate of a public history program should be able to leave the theoretical world of the university and ...
    • From Uncle Tom’s Cabin to “Countering Colston”: Slavery and Memory in a Transatlantic Undergraduate Research Project 

      Reid-Maroney, Nina <Department of History, Huron University College, London, Canada>; Bell, Amy <Department of History, Huron University College, London, Canada>; Brooks, Neil < Department of English and Cultural Studies, Huron University College, London, Canada>; Otele, Olivette <College of Liberal Arts, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK>; White, Richard <College of Liberal Arts, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK> (N. Reid-Maroney, A. Bell, N. Brooks, O. Otele, R. White, From Uncle Tom’s Cabin to “Countering Colston”: Slavery and Memory in a Transatlantic Undergraduate Research Project, «International Public History», 2, 2019, n. 1, pp. 1-4, 2019)
      In 2016–17 and in 2018–19, undergraduate students and faculty at Huron University College in London, Canada, and at Bath Spa University in the UK collaborated on an innovative community-based research project: Phantoms ...
    • Gender e Public History: alcune considerazioni in margine ad un recente convegno (Firenze, 29 novembre 2017) 

      Savelli, Aurora <Università di Firenze> (A. Savelli, Gender e Public History: alcune considerazioni in margine ad un recente convegno, «Storia delle donne», 13, 2017, pp. 257-260, 2017)
    • Geolocalizzare per decidere: connettere la biblioteca al territorio 

      Dapiaggi, Daniele (D. Dapiaggi, "Geolocalizzare per decidere. Connettere la biblioteca al territorio", Milano, Mimesis, 2017, 2017)
      Il testo ha come argomento l'applicazione della tecnologia GIS in ambito bibliotecario. I Sistemi Informativi Geografici sono uno strumento utilizzato in tutti quei settori che necessitano di elaborare dati con dimensione ...
    • Germanen willkommen! Von Barbaren und dem Mittelalter 

      Lubich, Gerhard (G. Lubich, Germanen willkommen! Von Barbaren und dem Mittelalter, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 17, 2014)
      Germanen oder die Beschäftigung mit ihnen ist nichts, was man unmittelbar mit zeitgenössischen Anforderungen an Lehre in Verbindung bringt. Im Gegenteil scheint der Weg in unaufgeklärte Mythenbildung, okkulten Romantizismus ...
    • Geschichtsdidaktik im Schatten des Elfenbeinturms 

      Hellmuth, Thomas (T. Hellmuth, Geschichtsdidaktik im Schatten des Elfenbeinturms, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 16, 2014)
      LehrerInnen und auch Studierende sind ob mancher theoretischer Diskussionen in der Geschichtsdidaktik nicht selten verwundert bis verärgert. Die Frage nach der Relevanz einer oftmals abgehoben erscheinenden Wissenschaft ...
    • Giocare la storia in città: storytelling, gamification e urban game storici 

      Pizzirusso, Igor <Istituto nazionale Ferruccio Parri>; Uberti, Giorgio (I. Pizzirusso, G. Uberti, Giocare la storia in città: storytelling, gamification e urban game storici, «Officina della Storia», 2019, n. 21, (2019)
    • Giovani, studenti e public history. Introduzione 

      Pavone, Sabina <Università di Macerata> (S. Pavone, Giovani, studenti e public history. Introduzione, «Il capitale culturale», 2020, n. 22, pp. 13-20, 2020)
      Nell’introdurre i saggi contenuti nella sezione monografica Giovani, studenti e public history, la curatrice ricorda la sede originaria dei contributi, presentati durante la III Settimana di Eccellenza del Dipartimento ...
    • Gli occhi sulla storia. Prefazione al Dossier 

      De Maria, Carlo (C. De Maria, Gli occhi sulla storia. Prefazione al Dossier, «Clionet», 2020, n. 4, pp. 28-33, 2020)
      Questo dossier rappresenta l’ultima tappa di un progetto pluriennale di public history – “Gli occhi sulla storia. La storia contemporanea al cinema” – promosso tra il 2016 e il 2019 dall’Istituto storico della Resistenza ...
    • Grande Guerra: 1915-2015 

      Maranesi, Nicola (N. Maranesi, Grande Guerra 1915-2015, «Officina della Storia», 2016, n. 16, 2016)