Sinestesieonline. Anno 10, no. 32 (Maggio 2021)
Recent Submissions
Dante o dell’umana fragilità
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2021)On the occasion of celebrations of 700th Anniversary of Dante’s death, the aim of this work is to underline the universality of Dante’s poetry, in the description of human sufferings, according to modern and post- ... -
«Non expectemus certe Turcum invadentem Italiam». Il mito della crociata nell’oratoria del Quattrocento
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2021)The essay examines the value and diffusion of the crusade’s myth, in its political and ideological implications within the sacred and profane oratory of the 15th century. In particular, the essay analyses ... -
Mirella Napodano, il romanzo e la memoria delle emozioni
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2021)The author reads Mirella Napodano's novel as a singular case of writing in autobiographical terms that goes beyond the blurred boundaries of the genre to establish itself as an experiential path for the ... -
Tra naturalismo e meridionalismo. Francesco Guarino, il maestro dell’Annuncio ai Pastori e la questione meridionale [recensione]
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2021) -
A Comparative Study of Therapeutic Rituals (Zaar, Parikhani) with Psychodrama
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2021)The present study is a comparative study of therapeutic rituals (Zār, Parikhani) in different regions of Iran with psychodrama. These rituals are a therapeutic function for mental and psychological ... -
Periferia de Oscar Viale: una tragedia en las margenes
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2021)his paper focuses on the play Periferia, written in 1982 by the Argentinean playwright Oscar Viale, as a contemporary and local re-writing of the tragedy genre, developed in antique Greece. It is from this ... -
The original latino gangsta or how Hollywood created the urban jungle
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2021)This essay will analyze Hollywood’s imagined and violent Latino communities of the Lower East Side and the South Bronx as envisioned in films featuring Nuyorican poet, actor, and playwright, Miguel Piñero. Short Eyes ... -
Psychoanalysis and theatre revisited: the function of character in mediating unconscious processing in spectatorship
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2021)This paper invites the reader to revisit some of the most productive encounters between psychoanalysis and theatre, taking the relationship between character, actor and the spectator’s response as its thread. It starts ... -
Moroccan Youth’ Impact on Decision Making Process Youth Specificities
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2021)The political engagement of Moroccan youth has always been the focus of research as this age category plays a vital role in the development of the political life. In this study, the focus is to address youth cultural ... -
Manuel Maccarini, Puesta en memoria. Siete monólogos, Editorial Inteatro, Buenos Aires 2020 [recensione]
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2021) -
Clorinda Donato, The Life and Legend of Catterina Vizzani. Sexual Identity, Science and Sensationalism in Eighteenth-Century Italy and England, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, Liverpool University Press 2020 [recensione]
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2021) -
Interrogare il visibile in Phaedra’s Love: la sperimentazione di Sarah Kane tra drammaturgia e regia
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2021)This paper analyzes the theatre aesthetics of Sarah Kane, considerable dramatist of the theatre new wave known as In-yer-face theatre, moving from playwriting and staging of her second drama, Phaedra’s ... -
Catastrofe: l’albero, la luna e i pantaloni
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2021)Perhaps the most striking thing about En attendant Godot is its alleged maturity. But it is a misleading impression, since the text now available, and obviously the “revised text”, was established only after a ... -
Diffrazioni beckettiane: il plesso teatro-schermico di Atom Egoyan
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2021)Although primarily known for his work as a filmmaker, Atom Egoyan has staged several theatre plays. In his career, theatre and the screen appear to be intertwined into a practice strongly influenced ... -
Il tragico quotidiano. La “revanche du mythe” nel teatro francese tra le due guerre
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2021)From the 1920s to the end of the Second World War, in Europe but especially in France, scholars, playwrights and directors increasingly paid attention to classical theatre, to the Tragic. Cocteau, Giraudoux, Gide, Anouilh, ... -
Zona rossa: di confinamenti e confini teatrali
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2021)