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dcterms.contributor.authorLanna, M.
dcterms.contributor.authorPastore, Antonio
dcterms.contributor.authorPolicastro, Carmela
dcterms.contributor.authorIacovazzo, Carmine
dcterms.identifier.citationLanna M, Pastore A, Policastro C, Iacovazzo C. Anesthesiological considerations in shoulder surgery. Translational Medicine @ UniSa 2012;3(5):42-48en_US
dc.description.abstractIn 1970, Winnie proposed the brachial plexus block as an alternative and effective anaesthesia technique for shoulder surgery. From that date, several techniques have been developed to approach the brachial plexus: the use of a nerve stimulator and, more recently, the ultrasound guided nerve blockade have made the procedure easier and more effective; the availability of the new drugs demonstrates some major advantages due to the application of peripheral blocks. Nowadays the attention has been focused on postoperative pain control: although many techniques have been proposed, the application of a continuous infusion of local anaesthetics through an interscalene catheter seems the best available technique to achieve pain relief after shoulder surgery. Advantages ad disadvantages of regional anaesthesia and adverse events associated with interscalene brachial plexus blockade are reviewed.en_US
dcterms.format.extentP. 42-48en_US
dcterms.sourceUniSa. Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneoen_US
dcterms.subjectShoulder surgeryen_US
dcterms.subjectBrachial plexusen_US
dcterms.subjectInterscalene blocken_US
dcterms.subjectPostoperative analgesiaen_US
dcterms.titleAnesthesiological considerations in shoulder surgeryen_US
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