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Title: Музыкально-теургические пророчества Вячеслава Иванова
Authors: Zenkin, Konstantin
Keywords: Musicology;Music history;Philosophy of music;Religion;Dionisisme;Apollinisme;Nikolaj Berdjaev;Aleksandr Skrjabin;Ivanov, J. Cage;Karlheinz Stockhausen
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Zenkin, K. Музыкально-теургические пророчества Вячеслава Иванова. "Europa Orientalis", 35 (2016): 203-212
Abstract: The article considers the idea of theurgy in Russian culture of the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century, shows its historical sources, main ideas and value. Viach. Ivanov’s idea of the musical theurgy is under special attention, also as some phenomena of the 20th-century music culture (J. Cage, K. Stockhausen), which follow the logic of Viach. Ivanov by their own ways and in other religious context.
Description: Titolo in russo, tradotto: Musical-theurgic prophecies of Viacheslav Ivanov
ISSN: 0392-4580
Appears in Collections:Europa Orientalis. XXXV (2016)

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