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Title: Simplexity to orient Media Education practices
Authors: Todino, Michele Domenico
Elia, Annibale
Sibilio, Maurizio
Keywords: Simplexity;Media education;New technologies
Issue Date: 14-Mar-2019
Publisher: Universita degli studi di Salerno
Abstract: Media Educator is a new professional figure that performs an educational and pedagogical activity that aims people to understand mass Media (their nature, their techniques and their languages). Nowadays In many Italian and foreign universities, new teacher education includes one or more Media Education-related exams. In this PhD thesis will be explained how simplexity could orient Media Education practices. More in details, this thesis is divided in two steps: 1) description of new Media (focusing on robotics and artificial intelligence devices) then simplexity declined in Media Education; 2) realization of a video analysis Lab for teacher education activities. In the first step it will be exposed how simplexity, defined by Alain Berthoz, Emeritus Professor at the Collège de France, and declined in educational contest by Maurizio Sibilio, through human ability to think creatively to act in a complex world, can help Media Educators in their daily work. The second step is how realized a new video analysis lab as a didactical and research “tool” for teacher education at the University of Salerno. Main idea of second step of the thesis is how design and implement a mobile video analysis laboratory for video recording real or simulated simplex didactic activities both for Media Educators and other teacher education courses. Concept that “drives” this lab is to develop a “plug and play” recording location that can be installed everywhere in less than fifteen minutes by everybody. This laboratory is already designed and tested, it is composed by five cameras a directed control room software and an open source video analysis software. [edited by Author]
Description: 2017 - 2018
Appears in Collections:Scienze del linguaggio, della società, della politica e dell'educazione

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