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Title: La letteratura come vita e come speranza: pedagogia politica in Carlo Bo
Authors: Arsena, Angela
Keywords: Hermeneutics;Dialogue;Humanism;Literary pedagogy
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Roma : Carocci
Citation: Arsena, Angela, "La letteratura come vita e come speranza: pedagogia politica in Carlo Bo". «Testi e linguaggi» 15 (2021): 127-137. [Studi monografici. Con il verso a fronte]
Abstract: This paper offers a critical-hermeneutic analysis of hope in Carlo Bo’s thought, rooting it within a very long tradition (Greek and Hebraic). The author then focuses the attention on the anthological text Scan dalo della Speranza, with which Bo entertains a dialogue with facts and faces of his time. Bo’s thought follows a counter-factuality of hope, moving this notion beyond the mere facts, data or numbers. This is a fil rouge that links Bo’s to the Pauline thought, bringing it and rooting it within the xx century, and making it a truly topical subject.
Description: Sammarco, Testi e linguaggi (2021)
ISBN: 978-88-290-1290-9
ISSN: 1974-2886
Appears in Collections:Testi e linguaggi. Volume 15 (2021)

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