Cultura Latinoamericana. Vol. 27, Núm. 1 (enero-junio 2018)
Immissioni Recenti
(2018) -
Lo andino en la historia: raíces de una elusiva identidad
(2018)The present research article shows that behind the historical process studied there is a unification of history through the paradigms of the civilizing hegemony of the West. The process, deeply and rigorously explained through ... -
Polarización ideológica y diálogo intercultural como opuestos referentes en el contexto político actual venezolano
(2018)The research article intends to analyze, through a qualitative methodology, the process of Venezuelan political polarization that marks the daily appearance of political culture in recent years revealing the limitations ... -
El papel de la mujer en la independencia colombiana
(2018)This research article tackles through a qualitative methodology three thematic axes: The role of women in the ideological preparation of NeoGranadian emancipatory thinking, the activity of women in the struggles of ... -
Cuestión Malvinas: ampliación de la plataforma continental argentina, brexit y la nueva administración de Mauricio Macri.
(2018)This reflection article intends to explain the first year of Mauricio Macri's foreign policy in relation to the Malvinas (Falkland) situation, taking into account three specific situations. The historical-political ... -
La sudamericanidad: ¿metarrelato de unidad de la mismidad o identidad en la diferencia?
(2018)The research article is a controversial study in tone if the Latin American cultural identity is a metarrelato, an expression of unity or identity of the sameness exclusive or an identity in the difference of concrete ... -
Más allá de Babel. Mitos de la comunidad y políticas de la identidad entre filosofía y acción política en Europa y en América Latina
(2018)This research article proposes a confrontation between two founding narratives of different ideas or «models» of community: on the one hand, the Gemeinschaft thought by Tönnies and reworked by Schmitt and, on the other, ... -
Lo que queda… Lo que se lega. Tradición y herencia en las obras postreras de Antonio Dal Masetto
(2018)The present research article analyzes, through a qualitative methodology, two of the latest works by the Italian-Argentine writer Antonio Dal Masetto, the novel Cita en el Lago Maggiore (2011) and the story «Alturas» (2015), ... -
La crisis económica del virreinato napolitano en la época de Felipe III a través del estudio de algunos presupuestos (1598-1621)
(2018)The present research article analyzes by means of a qualitative methodology the serious economic crisis, to speculate to the Spanish one, that was evident during the reign of Felipe III in the Neapolitan viceroyalty. ... -
El reformismo borbónico en España y en las colonias americanas: un recorrido historiográfico
(2018)The present research article offers a qualitative analysis on some of the recent investigations in the Spanish and South American area that study the Bourbon Reformism, a subject very discussed in the historiographic field ... -
El testimonio sobre la Guerra Civil en la literatura periodística de Alejo Carpentier
(2018)This article proposes a critical reflection of the four chronicles that Alejo Carpentier wrote in the years of the Spanish Civil War. In order to cover an exhaustive proposal of critical interpretation, the reading ... -
De presidios a heterotopías fronterizas: análisis de la transformación histórico-política de Ceuta y Melilla
(2018)On the northern coast of the Moroccan coast two small cities, Ceuta and Melilla, are offered as anachronistic vestiges of the Spanish colonial empire. The two enclaves, transfigured and shaped by the signs that colonial history ...