Pedagogia clinica e analisi dei processi formativi. La cura hominis come categoria pedagogica
The aim of this work is to offer a contribution to the definition of the
epistemological and methodological principles of clinical pedagogy, educational
science assumed as paradigmatic in the broader regulatory framework of
pedagogical knowledge.
In the first part of this work, starting from the reflections conducted by Werner
Jaeger in the work entitled Paideia (1944) and Michel Foucault in Le souci de soi
(1984), an attempt was made to highlight, with particular reference to the profitable
intersections that existed between the categories of “clinic” and “cure”, the
constitutive “anthropo-poietic” trait of Paideia in force in classical Greece. The
Cura hominis - of which an attempt was made to define the statutory, structural
and functional structure - has therefore emerged as an eminently pedagogical
category, in itself animated by a specific formative-educational intentio. With
reference to the reflections conducted by M. Foucault in Naissance de la clinique
(1963), the analysis concerned the origins of clinical practice as a generative device
of “taking care”: an attempt was made to find the original educational result,
putting at the same time, the hermeneutic and historical-genetic-reconstructive
nature of the pedagogical work focused on empathic listening. In line with the
theoretical assumptions of the “training clinic” - research address headed by
Riccardo Massa and the school of Milan -, the phases of a possible clinical path
based on the definition of a pedagogical setting, organized to encourage the
reception of the subject-person, were also outlined; on a set of knowledge practices
aimed at promoting wider self-awareness; on the corpus of help techniques that,
from a design point of view, can allow to promote existential change.
In the second part it took on importance, with a view to an “embodied”
perspective – through a reinterpretation of the reflections conducted by Martin
Heidegger, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Ludwig Binswanger –
the investigation into the existential and ontic conditions that characterize the ways
of being in the world of the human being. In this perspective, attention was focused
on the notion of “original experience” (Erlebnis) as an inherent event - according
to Edith Stein - to the Einfühlung, to “feel inside” and to “identify”. In particular,
the analysis of existence as a unique and unrepeatable “life form” was carried out
starting from the reflections conducted by Merleau-Ponty in Les relations avec
autrui chez l’enfant (1953). Within the theoretical framework outlined, the
centrality of the body in the phenomenology of training processes and in the course
of the experience generated by the various pedagogical devices was therefore
emphasized. Furthermore, the notion of “formative latency” as a result of the
formation history of the subject-person and its translatability, in the direction of the
construction of personal resilience, in terms of potential was emphasized. ... [edited by Author]