Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge
The Journal of Mediterranean Knowledge (JMK) is a scientific journal aimed at opening a permanent platform for theoretical and empirical debate and reflection in the fields human, social and philosophical sciences studies.
Collections in this community
Recent Submissions
Representation, Victimization or Identification. Negotiating Power and Powerlessness in Art on Migration
(2019)A commonplace idea, and worry, in much political art is the emphasis on not to victimize the object/subject in artistic strategies, and to portray people as subjects with agency. And the way to do this is to allow for ... -
Borders Kill. Tania Bruguera’s Referendum as an Artistic Strategy of Political Participation
(2019)Since the rise of modern nation-states, borders have played the important role to order society because they have the power to define territories, not only on the ground, but also on the level of the imaginary by shaping ... -
Counteracting Dominant Discourses about Migrations with Images: a Typology Attempt
(2019)This article examines a series of art and media images which have contributed to counteracting dominant discourses about migrations. Through recourse to recent research in political science and psychology, it suggests that ... -
Ai Weiwei and JR. Political Artists and Activist Artists and the Plight of Refugees
(2019)The article will address Ai Weiwei’s and JR’s political engagement with the refugee crisis, the former as a political artist and the latter as an activist artist. Ai, in a series of conceptual installations and the feature ... -
Art as a Trigger for Reflection in Sociolinguistic Migration Research
(2019)Research methods that are inspired by the arts have recently become subject to increasing attention for language researchers working in migration contexts. There are various studies that show how arts-based methods can be ... -
A Conversation on Cinematic Representation and Resistance in the films "Altered Landscapes" (2016) by Juan del Gado and "The People Behind the Scenes" (2019), by Elsa Claire Gomis
(2019)This is a conversation between Juan del Gado and Elsa Gomis about their respective films. Juan del Gado has made the film Altered Landscapes (2016), which is the first part of a cinematically projected triptych entitled ... -
Invisible Affections and Socialization to the Sexuality of Lesbians. A Case Study in Italy
(2019)The article focuses on the process of socialization and sexuality of homosexual people, examining the specific case of lesbians living in Salerno, a major city in southern Italy. The essay highlights the path that women ... -
Review of Picarella, L. & Truda, G. (eds.), Fundamental Rights, Gender, Inequalities. Vulnerability and Protection Systems, Gutenberg, Baronissi (SA), 2019
(2019)Review of the book Fundamental Rights, Gender, Inequalities. Vulnerability and Protection Systems, Gutenberg, Baronissi (SA), 2019, edited by Lucia Picarella and Giovanna Truda. The book collects essays of sociologists ... -
Sport and Integration of Migrants: Some Considerations
(2019)The potential of sport for the inclusion of minorities is widely acknowledged. Being a non-verbal language, sport is particularly useful to ease the integration of the migrants in the hosting societies; in the present world ... -
Integration by Sport Activities: Resource or Only a Paradox?
(2019)Nowadays in Europe sport and physical activity represent a strategic tool for public health policiesthat aim to promote the wellbeing of population, supporting dialogue for social cohesion and, at the same time, represent ... -
Intercultural Dialogue and Integration of Migrants through Sport. Experiences in the Campania Region
(2019)Sport is considered a tool to ease intercultural dialogue and integration of migrants in the hosting countries. Sports activities have great potentialities, but the participation of foreigners and the impact of athleticism ... -
Civilization and Sport in Colombia’s Drive to Modernization
(2019)This paper discusses the manner in which modern spectator sports developed in Colombia in the decade of the 1920s as part of the country’s efforts to modernize. An examination of the dominant theories of the diffusion of ... -
Mixed Marriages: The Italian Case Study
(2019)The research objective that we want to explore concerns the phenomenon of mixed marriages in Italy. Indeed, in the last years (especially from EU enlargement in 2007), Italian territory is characterized, for its geographical ... -
From Third Generation Rights to Collective Intelligence. Environmental protection in Brazil and Italy
(2019)The articles deal with the environmental rights in the present world, proposing a general framework and connecting the environmental problems to capitalism and economic growth. The article focuses on two cases: that of ... -
Ruspini, E., Bonifacio, G.T. & Corradi, C. (eds.), Women and Religion: Contemporary and future challenges in the Global Era, Bristol, Policy Press, 2018
(2019)Review of the book by Ruspini, E., Bonifacio, G.T. & Corradi, C. (eds), Women and Religion: Contemporary and future challenges in the Global Era, University of Bristol, Policy Press, 2018. -
Report of the Conference Eva e le altre, University of Salerno 15-17 May 2019
(2019)Short report of the Conference Eva e le Altre, held at the University of Salerno, about women in Latin America. -
Challenges of Migration in Context of Cosmopolitan Citizenship
(2018)This article analyzes the different challenges of citizenship and rights in front of the new forms of flow migrations, especially in the Mediterranean and the case of Venezuelan migrants. The new conception of globalization ... -
The Great Distance between the Written and the Living Constitution for Migrants and Refugees in the Mediterranean Territory
(2018)Abstract Constitutional rights are rarely addressed for the protection of migrants and refugees. In the past few years, the number of migrants and among those seeking asylum has been growing increasingly. A crisis has ... -
From an Ethic of Hospitality: Reflections on Democracy, Citizenship and Migrations
(2018)The article focuses on a reflection about hospitality, thought from inhospitable experiences and aimed at critically rethinking the reactions to the underprivileged, the pilgrim, the migrant, from the assessment of host ... -
“I was a stranger and you welcomed me”. The Papal Magisterium and Human Mobility from Leo XIII to Paul VI (1878-1978)
(2018)This article analyzes the development of the papal magisterium on human mobility during the period that went from the election of Leo XIII (1878) to the death of Paul VI (1978). What emerges from the research is a complex ...