Sfoglia Freedom, Security & Justice: European Legal Studies per Soggetto "Children"
Items 1-2 di 2
Il principio dei “best interests of the child” e la tutela della vittima minorenne nello spazio giuridico e giudiziario europeo
(2019)This study focuses on the application of the principle of the “best interests of the child” in international law and in the European legal and judicial area in cases where the child is a vulnerable victim. Particular ... -
Pubblicazione e condivisione di foto sui social network: la tutela del minore fra diritto all’immagine e protezione dei dati personali
(2021)While, on the one hand, social networks are a very effective means of personal promotion and, consequently, of defining one’s image and social reputation, on the other, they expose users, and children in particular, to ...