Browsing Freedom, Security & Justice: European Legal Studies by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 224
A Legal Analysis of the Contributing Factors to Trafficking in Women: Points of Strength and Weakness of the Recent Developments in Europe
(2023)The purpose of this contribution is first to build the legal connections between anti-trafficking law, gender and international refugee law. The paper will then move to “contributing factors” to trafficking with the ... -
A proposito della cd. emergenza rifiuti quale violazione dei diritti umani: la sentenza della Corte di Strasburgo sul caso della discarica di Lo Uttaro
(2024)Il presente lavoro intende analizzare, alla luce della recente sentenza della Corte europea dei diritti umani resa nel caso Locascia e altri c. Italia, le violazioni commesse dall’Italia rispetto all’art. 8 della Convenzione ... -
A proposito della Corte di giustizia UE e dei c.d. "controlimiti": i casi Melloni e Taricco a confronto
(2018)The supremacy of European law on the Member States’ law is a basic principle of the European integration process. Nonetheless there are some limits: the so-called “counter-limits”, developed by the constitutional jurisprudence ... -
Accesso alle procedure di protezione internazionale e tutela delle esigenze umanitarie: la discrezionalità in capo agli Stati membri non viene intaccata dal Nuovo Patto sulla migrazione e l’asilo
(2021)The present paper, also thanks to the reference to the relevant case law of the European supranational Courts, aims to analyse the provisions and instruments of EU law that, on the one hand, could facilitate the access ... -
Accordi informali con Stati terzi in materia di gestione dei flussi migratori: considerazioni critiche con riferimento alla prassi dell’Unione europea e dell’Italia
(2019)The growth of the migratory phenomenon and the resulting challenges have led the European Union to develop a migration policy that aims to “defend” its southern borders and to reduce the number of people entering its ... -
Alcune note sulla dimensione esterna dello spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia dopo il Consiglio europeo di giugno 2017
(2017)In the last European Council (June 2017) security and defence are again at the top of the agenda a long time after the defaulting of the European Community Defence (1954). Security and safety are both essential. Globalisation ... -
Alcuni cenni sulla gestione delle frontiere dell’Unione europea e la disciplina della protezione internazionale in Italia. Quali garanzie per la sicurezza e il rispetto dei diritti fondamentali?
(2020)The aim of the article is to examine some recent EU legislative acts in the field of migration that have an impact on the fight against international terrorism in the Schengen area and to critically analyze the regulatory ... -
Alla ricerca di un bilanciamento tra la protezione dei diritti fondamentali nell’ambito dello Spazio di Libertà, Sicurezza e Giustizia e gli interessi nazionali: il Covid-19 alla prova dei fatti
(2020)The aim of this study is to understand whether or not the actions taken by the Member States of the European Union (EU) during the COVID-19 emergency were successful in ensuring an adequate balance between their national ... -
Alla ricerca di una definizione del diritto d’asilo nell’ottica di una riforma di sistema: quale ruolo per le Corti europee?
(2022)In the context of the launch a new phase of reform of the Common European Asylum System, marked by the adoption of the new Pact on Migration and Asylum, this paper aims to investigate the role of the European Courts in ... -
Applicazione di tracciamento Immuni tra normativa nazionale e diritto UE in materia di protezione dei dati personali
(2020)This article aims to assess the compatibility with EU data protection law of decree law no. 28 of 30 April 2020 – converted into law no. 70 of 25 June 2020 – which allows, for reasons of public health and in order to ... -
Are You Syrious? Il diritto europeo delle migrazioni dopo la fine dell’emergenza alla frontiera orientale dell’Unione
(2017)By asking “Are You Syrious?”, this essay refers to the critical issues of EU migration, asylum and border law that have arisen following the closure of the Balkan route, especially in relation to the situation of Syrian ... -
Attuazione in Italia delle norme di contrasto alle frodi lesive degli interessi finanziari dell’Unione e responsabilità da reato degli enti: qualche riflessione
(2020)The present paper, after an overview of the main provisions of the PIF Directive and some European Union bodies involved in its implementation, focuses on the issue of corporate liability arising from tax crimes. On this ... -
La ayuda humanitaria en la Unión Europea ante el reto de los flujos migratorios
(2018)Why is the political system of the EU not able to respect, within its borders, the principles and values that are in the spirit of the treaties - the same principles and values that it has so soundly advocated outside them, ... -
Azioni strategiche tese a dissuadere la partecipazione pubblica e tutela delle libertà di espressione e informazione nel diritto internazionale privato dell’Unione europea
(2024)Anche in Europa si assiste alla diffusione delle c.d. “azioni bavaglio” (o “SLAPP”), ovvero procedimenti giudiziari che possono rivelarsi infondati o abusivi giacché, seppur avviati con l’intento di tutelare la reputazione ... -
Brexit e accordi di riammissione dell’Unione europea
(2021)The effects of Brexit on the application of the EU readmission agreements can be examined first from the point of view of the relationship between the UK and the Member States. With regard to the readmission of citizens ... -
Captured between subsidiarity and solidarity: any European added value for the Pact on Migration and Asylum?
(2021)Solidarity is a core value of European integration which is highly invoked at the political level as the ‘binder’ to fix the several crises the EU has faced. It has been as well put forward as a core pillar of the Pact ... -
La Carta de derechos fundamentales de la Unión europea en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional Español en procesos de amparo
(2021)Since its adoption in Nice in 2000 and until 2020, the Spanish Constitutional Court has issued within the framework of appeals for amparo 28 resolutions in which it has referred to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of ... -
Il centro degli interessi principali del debitore e il forum shopping tra regolamento (UE) 2015/848 e codice della crisi d’impresa e dell’insolvenza
(2021)If the debtor has the center of main interests (COMI) in the EU Member State, the private international law profiles raised by an insolvency procedure are governed by regulation (EU) 2015/848. This Regulation contains ... -
La circolazione degli atti pubblici nello spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia
(2019)The article builds on the renewed interest in the circulation of public documents and authentic instruments in the European judicial area, reflected by the adoption of Regulation 2016/1191, which simplifies the formalities ...