Sfoglia Freedom, Security & Justice: European Legal Studies per Soggetto "Human rights"
Items 1-13 di 13
A proposito della cd. emergenza rifiuti quale violazione dei diritti umani: la sentenza della Corte di Strasburgo sul caso della discarica di Lo Uttaro
(2024)Il presente lavoro intende analizzare, alla luce della recente sentenza della Corte europea dei diritti umani resa nel caso Locascia e altri c. Italia, le violazioni commesse dall’Italia rispetto all’art. 8 della Convenzione ... -
Accordi informali con Stati terzi in materia di gestione dei flussi migratori: considerazioni critiche con riferimento alla prassi dell’Unione europea e dell’Italia
(2019)The growth of the migratory phenomenon and the resulting challenges have led the European Union to develop a migration policy that aims to “defend” its southern borders and to reduce the number of people entering its ... -
¿Donde están los niños sirios? ¿Y dónde están sus derechos? La Unión Europea no puede olvidar sus principios ni traicionarse a sí misma
(2018)The paper deals with the situation of Syrian children in three different contexts. In Syrian armed conflict, children suffer systematic violations of International Humanitarian Law and International Law of Human Rights. ... -
“Fase 1” di contrasto al Covid-19, ordinamento italiano e tutela dei diritti umani alla luce della CEDU
(2020)The Italian Government adopted several containment measures in order to address Covid-19 in the early months of 2020, some of them limiting ECHR rights. First, this study analyses whether containment measures are consistent ... -
Il Global Compact sulla migrazione tra scenari internazionali e realtà europea
(2018)The paper is developed over two main sections. The first one is edited by Cristiana Carletti and is devoted to the protection of human rights of migrants and international protection seekers with the involvement of all ... -
In tema di informazioni sui Paesi di origine nella procedura di riconoscimento della protezione internazionale
(2019)The UNHCR has provided indications concerning the principles and methods that should be used in establishing the conditions needed for the recognition of refugee status. The UNHCR directions show the centrality of the ... -
Mandato di arresto europeo e protezione dei diritti umani: problemi irrisolti e “incoraggianti” sviluppi giurisprudenziali
(2017)The article deals with the problem of the relationship between the European Arrest Warrant and the protection of Human Rights. By the analysis of the most important European Court’s cases-law in this subject, it is ... -
Il Nuovo Patto sulla migrazione e l’asilo ed i migranti ambientali: una categoria “dimenticata”?
(2021)After analyzing the characteristics of climate change-related migration and highlighting the lack of protection for environmental migrants in international law, the article addresses the similar gap in the Common European ... -
Il ruolo dell’avvocato nei più recenti assetti della tutela “multilivello” dei diritti umani
(2023)This contribution proposes a reflection on the central role played by the lawyer in today’s dynamics of trial and the protection of rights. While there has been a proliferation of conventions on the protection of human ... -
Spazio europeo e clausole di deroga dei trattati internazionali in materia di diritti umani: spunti dalla nuova prassi relativa all’emergenza pandemica
(2021)The paper seeks to analyze the impact of the pandemic on the practice of the States about the proclamation of a state of emergency and their related obligations arising from the main human rights treaties in this regard. ... -
Sul partenariato UE-Stati terzi in ambito migratorio: le proposte del Nuovo Patto sulla migrazione e l’asilo in tema di rafforzamento delle capacità di border management
(2021)The aim of this paper is to provide an in-depth analysis of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum, proposed by the European Commission in 2020, with a focus on two fundamental aspects, namely the border asylum procedure and ... -
La tutela transnazionale del credito nell’ordinamento dell'Unione europea
(2017)The essay focuses on the implementation of EU legal system in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ), through the analysis of four regulations which aim to simplify, speed up and reduce the costs of litigation ... -
Ultimi sviluppi sull'Organizzazione Internazionale per le Migrazioni: l'ingresso nel sistema delle Nazioni Unite e la proposta di creare una governance euro-mediterranea dei flussi migratori
(2018)The complex legal/institutional evolution that has always characterized the International Organization for Migration (IOM) culminated in the recent 2016 agreement on relations with the United Nations that defines this ...