Sfoglia Freedom, Security & Justice: European Legal Studies per Soggetto "Judicial cooperation"
Items 1-3 di 3
Attuazione in Italia delle norme di contrasto alle frodi lesive degli interessi finanziari dell’Unione e responsabilità da reato degli enti: qualche riflessione
(2020)The present paper, after an overview of the main provisions of the PIF Directive and some European Union bodies involved in its implementation, focuses on the issue of corporate liability arising from tax crimes. On this ... -
Conservazione e produzione della prova digitale nella nuova disciplina europea: il potenziale disallineamento con i principi espressi dalla giurisprudenza di settore
(2023)This contribution takes a look at judicial cooperation in criminal matters, which has long been pursuing a regulatory adjustment aimed at having new mechanisms suitable for a speedy and prompt transmission of so-called ... -
Movilidad, soberanìa e “interoperabilidad” de los sistemas penales en la Unión Europea
(2017)The political integration in the EU, made the rules of the mutual legal assistance insufficient. The old model of mutual assistance was replaced approaching the judicial cooperation within the EU to the cooperation between ...