Now showing items 1-3 of 3
L’incidenza sulla Brexit della sentenza della Corte di giustizia UE del 10 dicembre 2018
The article highlights the main reasons for the uncertainty of future
scenarios for UK-EU relations following the ruling by the EU Court of Justice of 10
December 2018. Based on an evolutionary interpretation of article ...
Dignità umana e tutela dei detenuti nello “Spazio di giustizia” dell’Unione europea
The article aims to show how, more than twenty years after the Tampere
European Council and more than ten years after the recognition of the binding legal
force of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, ...
Il “nuovo” Patto europeo sulla migrazione e l’asilo: recenti sviluppi in materia di solidarietà ed integrazione
Starting from the evolution of the principles of solidarity and integration,
both in the broader EU legal order and specifically in the framework of the European
Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in relation to ...