Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Corte di giustizia e Corte Costituzionale alla ricerca di un nuovo, seppur precario, equilibio: i punti (relativamente) fermi, le questioni aperte e un paio di proposte per un ragionevole compromesso
The study critically focuses on the most recent, divergent developments in the jurisprudence of the Italian Constitutional Court and of the Court of Justice of the EU, highlights the limits and shortcomings of the techniques ...
Rapporti interordinamentali e rapporti interistituzionali in circolo (scenari, disfunzioni, rimedi)
This study focuses on the mutual implications existing between the
relationships among legal orders (especially, between domestic and EU law) and those
among different institutions, at both the supranational and national ...
Stato di diritto sovranazionale e Stato di diritto interno: simul stabunt vel simul cadent
This study points out that the constitutional identity of the European
Union and the Member States is essentially constituted by the common fundamental
values, which, however, materialize in specific ways in each ...
L’equilibrio nei rapporti tra Corti europee e Corti nazionali: un’autentica quadratura del cerchio possibile solo in prospettiva de iure condendo
The paper highlights the inconsistencies in theoretical construction
exhibited both by the jurisprudential orientations of the European Courts and by those
of the national courts in the field of safeguarding fundamental ...