Now showing items 1-6 of 6
La (faticosa) ricerca di valori condivisi nelle politiche europee di gestione dei flussi migratori
The international vocation of human rights contributes to enrich the heritage of values of each State and, at the same time, requires the establishment of guarantee instruments that transcend national boundaries and disregard ...
La nécessaire harmonisation du visa humanitaire dans le droit de l’Union Européenne au prisme de l’asile
Nowadays, the European Union is facing illegal crossing of its external
borders by people fleeing wars and unsafe situations, endangering their lives in
favor of human traffickers’ networks. In this context, the lack of ...
Il fenomeno migratorio oltre l’ordinario: riflessioni sulla proposta della Commissione circa un solido sistema di preparazione e di risposta alle crisi e a situazioni di forza maggiore
The proposal for a regulation addressing situations of crisis and force
majeure in the field of migration and asylum represents one of the new acts proposed by the Commission in the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. ...
Captured between subsidiarity and solidarity: any European added value for the Pact on Migration and Asylum?
Solidarity is a core value of European integration which is highly invoked
at the political level as the ‘binder’ to fix the several crises the EU has faced. It has
been as well put forward as a core pillar of the Pact ...
The European Union’s Policy on Search and Rescue in the New Pact on Migration and Asylum: Inter-State Cooperation, Solidarity and Criminalization
The New Pact for Migration and Asylum, proposed by the European
Commission in September 2020, embeds a comprehensive and multi-layered strategy
addressing migration, asylum, border management and infra-European ...
Alla ricerca di una definizione del diritto d’asilo nell’ottica di una riforma di sistema: quale ruolo per le Corti europee?
In the context of the launch a new phase of reform of the Common
European Asylum System, marked by the adoption of the new Pact on Migration and
Asylum, this paper aims to investigate the role of the European Courts in ...