Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Fundamental Rights and Disruptive Technologies: a Right to Personal Identity under the European Multi-level System of Protection?
This paper explores the protection offered by the EU and the ECHR to
the right to personal identity. The need to protect personal identity arises from the
use of disruptive technologies (as blockchain) that allow the ...
In the Court(s) We Trust - A Procedural Solution to the Mutual Trust Dilemma
This paper scrutinizes the multi-faceted implementation of mutual trust
and recognition in the EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice and suggests
subjecting the operation of these principles to a stricter procedural ...
The National Identity, in the Service of National Identities
From the outset, Community law had an absolute authority on national
law. The primacy of the EU law has always been one of its fundamental
characteristics which ensures its uniform application on the territory of the ...
The balance between the protection of fundamental rights and the EU principle of mutual trust
In 2013, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) was called to decide the Povse case, where the Bosphorus presumption was confronted with the principle of mutual trust and automatic recognition of judgments. These ...
Cooperazione internazionale in materia di sequestro e confisca e tutela dei diritti fondamentali: tre modelli nel sistema europeo post Brexit
This paper deals with the models of international cooperation on seizure
and confiscation defined in two Council of Europe Conventions, in Regulation (EU)
2018/1805, and in the Trade and Cooperation Agreement of 24 ...
Alla ricerca di una definizione del diritto d’asilo nell’ottica di una riforma di sistema: quale ruolo per le Corti europee?
In the context of the launch a new phase of reform of the Common
European Asylum System, marked by the adoption of the new Pact on Migration and
Asylum, this paper aims to investigate the role of the European Courts in ...
Il difficile bilanciamento tra sicurezza nazionale e tutela dei diritti fondamentali nella “data retention saga” dinanzi alla Corte di giustizia
The annulment of Directive 2006/24/EC has triggered a close dialogue
between national courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union on the legality
and proportionality of national data retention laws on the ...
Questioni giuridiche e problemi di tutela dei diritti fondamentali nella risposta dell’Unione europea alle pratiche di strumentalizzazione dei flussi migratori
In 2021, Belarus adopted aggressive policies of instrumentalization of
migratory flows, causing a humanitarian crisis at the borders of the European Union.
The Belarusian government facilitated new migration routes to ...
Limits to intra-EU free movement rights and the Common European Asylum System: remarks on the CJEU case law and the activation of temporary protection directive
Under the current architecture established by the Common European
Asylum System (CEAS), asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection
cannot move freely within the EU territory. Their legal status as ...