Browsing Freedom, Security & Justice: European Legal Studies (2017), n.2 by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Lo spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia alla prova delle più evolute forme di cooperazione amministrativa
(2017)The most advanced forms of administrative cooperation established by EU law have marked the evolution from cooperation mechanisms having a merely auxiliary character for the activities of national authorities (such as ... -
Alcune note sulla dimensione esterna dello spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia dopo il Consiglio europeo di giugno 2017
(2017)In the last European Council (June 2017) security and defence are again at the top of the agenda a long time after the defaulting of the European Community Defence (1954). Security and safety are both essential. Globalisation ... -
Are You Syrious? Il diritto europeo delle migrazioni dopo la fine dell’emergenza alla frontiera orientale dell’Unione
(2017)By asking “Are You Syrious?”, this essay refers to the critical issues of EU migration, asylum and border law that have arisen following the closure of the Balkan route, especially in relation to the situation of Syrian ... -
The Enforcement of Posted Workers' Rights Across the European Union
(2017)The phenomenon of posting of workers is increasing across the European Union Member States and contributes to the development of the internal market. In the framework of transnational provision of services, the Directive ... -
Jurisdiction in Contractual Matters under the Brussels Ia Regulation: Where do Mixed Contracts Stand?
(2017)This paper addresses how the rules regarding jurisdiction in contractual matters provided for in the Brussels Ia Regulation (having the same scope of the previous Brussels I) may be applied to cases involving mixed ... -
I residenti provenienti da Paesi terzi: cittadini senza cittadinanza?
(2017)The progressive increase in migration flows to the European Union affects the process of integration of non-EU nationals, which is currently at a very complex and sensitive stage. This essay points out that, despite the ...