Now showing items 1-10 of 54
Luogo, ascolto, relazione. La ricerca teatrale di Fabrizio Crisafulli
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2020)
The “theatre of places”is the name of the research that Fabrizio Crisafullihas carried out for about thirty years, combining an intense and spectacular activity of installation with an acute reflection on his creative ...
«Benvenuta devastazione». Una proposta di lettura in chiave “antropologica” de Il contagio. Parte I
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2020)
This work (divided in two parts) looks at Walter Siti’s Il contagiofrom an anthropological perspective. Throughout the reading of Amselle, Augéand Lévi-Strauss a new way of reading one of the most ...
S.Alfonso De’ Liguori ispira le Madonne di Francesco Solimena e Paolo De Maio
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2020)
The essay traces the thread of continuity that runs through the pictorial representation of the Holy Mary’s face, starting from Raffaello’s and Leonardo’s prototypes and from the seventeenth-century of the Madonna della ...
Taccuino siriano di Jonathan Littell : reportage e autenticazione intermediale
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2020)
This article will show how Littell combines reported words, narrator’s reflections, descriptions of events or images as intermediary materials useful to authenticate his experience. In this work ...
Statue, penitenti e corpi immobili nei riti settennali di Guardia Sanframondi
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2020)
At Guardia Sanframondi(BN), every seven years, the Madonna Assunta is celebrated with a very complex religious ritual that “stages” the corporal mortification of penitents; the immobile bodies of the figures ...
Scene per un mondo nuovo. Vanessa Bell, Duncan Grant e il Famous Women Dinner Service
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2020)
In 1933-34, the Bloomsbury Group painters Duncan Grant and Vanessa Bell honored twelve actresses and dancers from XVIIto XXcentury in The Famous Women Dinner Service, the Wedgewood dinner set which was one of Bell and ...
Violence in ‘Titus Andronicus’: a Benjaminian approach
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2020)
This paper offers an interpretation of Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus from the vantage of Walter Benjamin’s concept of«divine violence»,which he theorized in his early work A Critique of Violence(1921). Titus is ...
Luis Miguel Arenillas, Roberto De Bianchetti, Nancy Lago Guillermo Baldo, Silvina Andrea Forquera, Javier Santanera, Rigoberto Horacio Vera, Teatro 21/ Concurso Nacional De Obras De Teatro, Editorial Inteatro, Buenos Aires 2018 : [recensione]
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2020)
Una visita dal “di là”: simmetrie oniriche tra Pirandello e Capuana
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2020)
Luigi Capuana, atypical verista attracted by occult’s fascination, was the first ever literary model for Pirandello and also contributed at the end of 800th century to lead ideologically the writer from Girgenti on the ...
Playing Commedia #2
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Internazionale Sinestesie, 2020)
Commedia dell’Arte is a sort of spiritual need for me. In my 40 years of work as an “actor/person”(because each actor is a unique person actor),I always discover its vitality, delightful poetry and wisdom.