Now showing items 1-10 of 26
La transposición de la orden europea de investigación en materia penal en el ordenamiento español
The Directive 2014/41/EU, regarding the European Investigation Order in criminal matters, introduces into the field of judicial cooperation a new and necessary instrument of mutual recognition for the transnational acquisition ...
The fragmentation of reception conditions for asylum seekers in the European Union: Protecting fundamental rights or preventing long-term integration?
This article investigates the unequal treatment of asylum seekers across the European Union (EU). In particular, this article explores the way in which Directive 2013/33/EU (the “Reception Conditions Directive”) itself ...
La ayuda humanitaria en la Unión Europea ante el reto de los flujos migratorios
Why is the political system of the EU not able to respect, within its borders, the principles and values that are in the spirit of the treaties - the same principles and values that it has so soundly advocated outside them, ...
I cittadini europei inattivi e le condizioni per l'accesso alle prestazioni di assistenza sociale in uno Stato membro ospitante: quale lezione dall'ordinamento USA?
EU migrants’ access to social assistance appears still strongly and incrementally related to the duration of their residency in the host Member State. In the US legal order, the mere bona fide simple residence is sufficient ...
Il rispetto del principio di legalità, la Corte di Giustizia e il controllo delle funzioni tecniche della Banca Centrale Europea
The essay illustrates show the reciprocal attention payed by the Court of Justice and the Bundesverfassungsgericht top their freedom, security and justice’s case law has contributed to better their relations to the ...
De-politisation of Human Rights: the European Union and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
The definition of competences between the European Union (EU) and its Member States has always been a topic question. Both the EU and its Member States are Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ...
La recente disciplina europea sulla migrazione qualificata: tra promozione della migrazione circolare e politiche di integrazione
This article analyses the most recent European legislation on skilled migration - which ensures a more advanced treatment as compared to other categories of third-country nationals - with the aim of assessing whether its ...
Il diritto penale “contro” lo straniero. Teoria e pratica delle politiche d’integrazione
The aim of this research is to observe that the discriminations that
characterize the modern criminal law system are largely related to the social
demands of greater security and protection against the threats, often ...
Il diritto al gratuito patrocinio nella riforma del Sistema europeo comune di asilo (SECA): un passo avanti e due indietro?
This article purports to analyse the right to legal aid for applicants of
international protection in the prospective reform of the Common European asylum
system (CEAS). The overall aim is to point out that, despite ...