Now showing items 1-10 of 35
Il ruolo dell’Avvocatura dello Stato nella difesa dello Stato italiano nei giudizi davanti alla Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo
The paper is the reworking of a speech given at the Conference entitled
“European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the Italian
legal system: New substantive and procedural developments” held at the ...
Il crescente rilievo della child relocation: una panoramica degli strumenti rilevanti di diritto internazionale ed europeo
The child relocation is defined as the lawful transfer of a child by one
parent with the consent of the other. Child relocation cases could generate a lot of
controversies. The growing number of families with transnational ...
L’esercizio dei poteri di controllo dello Stato di approdo nei confronti di navi straniere destinate a sistematica attività di ricerca e soccorso marittimo di persone
This article deals with the issue of the Port State Control through the
analysis of the judgement delivered by the Court of Justice of the European Union on
1 August 2022. The Court was called upon by the Sicilian Regional ...
La giurisprudenza della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo traccia nuove coordinate in tema di diritto all’informazione, tra oblio e whistleblowing
After providing the general framework of the case law of the European
Court of Human Rights on freedom of expression, protected by Article 10 ECHR, the
article focuses on the right to information. On the basis of an exam ...
Le vittime di mutilazioni genitali femminili tra riconoscimento dello status di rifugiato e (discutibile) giurisprudenza europea sui rimpatri
Female genital mutilation constitutes a serious violation of individual rights
due to the persisting physical and psychological consequences that it entails. In the
last few decades, the phenomenon has come to prominence ...
Introduzione [a Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo e delle libertà fondamentali e ordinamento italiano: nuovi sviluppi sostanziali e procedurali]
The paper outlines the substantial and procedural developments that have
occurred in recent years in the context of the European system for the protection of
Human Rights, evoking in particular the traumatic event for ...
La riservatezza dei dati biometrici nello Spazio europeo dei diritti fondamentali: sui limiti all’utilizzo delle tecnologie di riconoscimento facciale
Facial recognition technology is a biometric-based technology that
processes sensitive personal data, namely biometric data, and thus constitutes a limitation
of the right to privacy. Moreover, with reference to its most ...
Competenze concorrenti dell’UE e degli Stati membri in materia di asilo nella giurisprudenza più recente della Corte di giustizia relativa al trattamento di cittadini irregolari di paesi terzi
The paper analyses the development that the Court of Justice’ case law
marked compared to the indifference to humanitarian needs expressed in the A.S. and
Jafari judgments of 2017. Making reference to the two changes ...
Twenty Years of EU Agreements on Remote Work from 2002 to 2022. What next?
Digitalisation is changing our lives and the way we work too. This is not
necessarily negative because there is a lot of potential in the binomial “work and
technology”, starting from the creation of new sectors of work ...
La partecipazione dei cittadini alla riforma dell’Unione europea tra nuovi modelli partecipativi e vecchi problemi
The article addresses the issue of citizen participation in EU politics in the
light of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFE). It outlines the lights and
shadows of a unique transnational consultation combining ...