Now showing items 1-10 of 28
El desarrollo endógeno en el municipio de San Sebastián de Buenavista Magdalena: una alternativa ante los efectos del Covid–19
This article its based on a descriptive investigation of the main social variables (multidimensional pover-ty, education, health, dwelling, access to basic services), economics, environmental and infrastructure, ...
Anarquismo contemporáneo en América Latina. Ética y práctica ecologista, antipatriarcal y anticolonial
The purpose of this research article is to analyze reflexively and critically three outstanding texts on anarchism that were systematized in Latin America, in the first decade of the 21st century. Through ...
El apoyo político-diplomático y económico de Argentina a Italia en la inmediata posguerra (1946-1947) contado por la prensa italiana
This article aims to piece together the economic and diplomatic relations between Italy and Argentina during the Second post- World War through the narration of the Italian press. The research considers ...
Los aportes de Francisco de Miranda a la identidad integracionista de Nuestras Américas
This research highlights the importance of Francisco de Miranda as an authentic thinker, creator of a set of conceptual names of a cultural nature and integrationist identity such as Colombia, Our Americas, HispanicAmerica ...
Ser mulher segundo Clarice Lispector: uma aprendizagem entre jornalismo e literatura
This study aims to analyse the way in which Clarice Lispector developed her reflection on the condition of women through literary and journalistic writing. Although she has constantly rejected the label of feminist, ...
Negacionismo y posverdad en el discurso político institucional de Bolsonaro
The aim of this paper is to analyze Bolsonaro’s institutional political com-munication during the COVID-19 pandemic. The text develops the argu-ment in two complementary phases: on the one hand, by analyzing the ...
El antropocosmicismo como soporte ontológico de la identidad cultural aymara.
The article discusses the fundamentals of aymara cultural identity based on the relationship of man/cosmos dialectical interdetermination (anthro-pocosmicism) that informs ethos and articulates the world view of ...
La censura a la literatura a la luz de la teoría de Thorstein Veblen: aproximación al caso colombiano
In this investigation article, according to the Thorstein Veblen ́s ap-proach, the censorship of literature is analyzed as a phenomenon that can be considered an institution because it involves aspects such as ...