Europa Orientalis. XXXVIII (2019)
Recent Submissions
(2019) -
Il Sessantotto a cavallo tra i blocchi: socialismi dal volto umano a Est e a Ovest
(2019)The article investigates the political change of the 1970s, due to the emergence of new political movements, and their dialogue with political parties. In particular, it provides an in-depth analysis of the relationship ... -
Pensare la Primavera di Praga: tra disillusione, lutto e melanconia.
(2019)This essay seeks to raise the question of how the Prague Spring and its suppression mattered for the subsequent history of the European Left. Did its defeat, by allegedly expelling any genuinely democratic socialism into ... -
L’eco della Primavera di Praga nella produzione letteraria samizdat: il caso dei Fejetony
(2019)To commemorate the Prague Spring, the Czech writer and journalist Ludvík Vaculík (1926- 2015) decided in 1968 to devote a short prose text (fejeton) to the real spring season and to the metaphorical one, which would be ... -
Tra Disgelo e Primavera in Cecoslovacchia: breve sonda nel mondo delle riviste letterarie
(2019)The present work aims to investigate the period before the Prague Spring (1968) and the tension between culture and politics through the study of one particular cultural agent, the literary magazines. In particular, the ... -
Lo sberleffo della rivolta nella poesia di Nowa Fala
(2019)The student revolt of March 1968 in Poland quickly succumbed under the wave of brutal violence and repression unleashed by the regime against the peaceful students and broader academic milieu. Polish students in their ... -
Conceptualising ‘Anti-Zionism’: Piasecki’s Group as an Intellectual Resource for the 1968 Antisemitic Campaign in People’s Poland
(2019)March 1968 has become one of the most significant dates in Polish history in the 20th century. The student demonstrations and antisemitic campaigning caused considerable changes in the social, political and cultural ... -
“In fondo siamo quasi amici”. I servizi di sicurezza della Repubblica Popolare di Polonia nel Gemello di Józef Hen
(2019)The article focuses on the constructive elements which used by Józef Hen to give birth to the figure of Marek Marczewski (later Mraczewski) in the short story “The Twin”, written as a reaction to the tragical riots in ... -
Giovani e gioventù tra ‘forma’ e ‘omologazione’: Gombrowicz e Pasolini intorno al ’68
(2019)The article is a parallel reading of some literary and nonfictional works of Witold Gombrowicz and Pier Paolo Pasolini, concerning ‘youth’ and ‘young people’ in the 1960s, particularly around 1968. In spite of the ... -
Il Sessantotto in Slovenia
(2019)In post-war Slovenia, student activism came to the fore, with growing intensity, in three separate phases, 1964, 1968 and 1970-1971, culminating in the occupation of the Faculty of Philosophy, Ljubljana University during ... -
Incise sul corpo del socialismo reale: dalla bardovskaja pesnja al rock sovietico
(2019)Between the bardovskaya pesnya – the best manifestation of the alternative Soviet culture in the ’60s and ’70s – and the so-called “Soviet Rock” of the ’80s, there are lots of similarities. The article maintains that ... -
Dissenso e proteste nella diaspora ucraina in America settentrionale dopo il 1968
(2019)This article presents the story of two Ukrainian student organizations in the USA, the New York City Ukrainian Students Hromada (Community) and the Committee for the Defense of Soviet Political Prisoners. Born in the ... -
Alle origini della ‘superfluità’. Il lišnij čelovek e la ricezione russa del roman personnel
(2019)This article aims at giving an account of the Russian reception of the French personal novel and its contribution to the development of Russian psychological realism. The heuristic qualities of self-disclosure embedded ... -
Le allusioni puškiniane in Dar di Vladimir Nabokov. Alcune riflessioni sull’intertestualità e la sua traduzione
(2019)Examining the case of Vladimir Nabokov’s Russian novel Dar and its English translation The Gift, this paper offers a reflection on translatability of an intertextual presence in a literary text. In particular, the paper ... -
Gradationing Gombrowicz. Remarks on Second-Hand Translations
(2019)This article demonstrates the dependency on the French translation of the Italian and English translations of Witold Gombrowicz’s 1966 drama entitled Operetta and discusses the relationship between these three translations ... -
La riforma ortografica ucraina: principali modifiche e sostanziali criticità
(2019)It is symptomatic that in the independent Ukraine the question of a new orthography has assumed a prominent role compared to other aspects of the language. Unlike other European languages, in addition to simplification ... -
Н.В. Недоброво и Л.А. Недоброво в переписке с В.И. Ивановым и М.М. Замятиной (1912-1914)
(2019)The article is devoted to the correspondence that was between Vyacheslav Ivanov, Nikolai Nedobrovo, Lyubov Nedobrovo and Maria Zamyatnina in 1912-1914. A special place is given to the letters of Nikolay Nedobrovo to ... -
Il grande dibattito sul realismo socialista nel 1956: una lettera di Vittorio Strada a Viktor Nekrasov
(2019)The early writings of Vittorio Strada and Viktor Nekrasov, together with their correspondance, allow us to consider from a different point of view the literary and ideological process in Soviet Russia during the 1950s ... -
La forza della sdrucciola
(2019) -
Kalevala: ultime versioni italiane