Items 1-10 di 12
Impacto de la Estrategia global de seguridad de la UE para reforzar el acuerdo y el dialogo sobre derechos humanos UE - Cuba
The signing and implementation of the European Union’s Global Security
Strategy included a change in EU’s relationship with the countries in Latin America
and the Caribbean (LAC), particularly with Cuba. The Strategy ...
Risks for the fundamental right to the protection of personal data stemming from the Covid-19 sanitary crisis: a Spanish perspective
The paper analyses the risks posed to the fundamental right of personal
data protection by some of the measures adopted in Spain in response to the Covid19 sanitary crisis due to lack of regulation, or lack of a specific ...
La protezione dei minori stranieri non accompagnati nella giurisprudenza europea: quale possibile influenza sulle proposte contenute nel nuovo Patto sulla migrazione e l’asilo?
In the absence of a comprehensive international framework for the
protection of unaccompanied minors, the ECtHR jurisprudence played a
fundamental role in exercising a strong influence on the EU legislation on
international ...
Il centro degli interessi principali del debitore e il forum shopping tra regolamento (UE) 2015/848 e codice della crisi d’impresa e dell’insolvenza
If the debtor has the center of main interests (COMI) in the EU Member
State, the private international law profiles raised by an insolvency procedure are
governed by regulation (EU) 2015/848. This Regulation contains ...
The fundamental right to an effective judicial protection and the rule of law in the EU and their impact on Member States’ administration of justice
The recognition of effective judicial protection under European Union
law affects national regulations on the administration of justice. There is no doubt
that the competence to regulate and act upon matters relating to ...
La Carta de derechos fundamentales de la Unión europea en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional Español en procesos de amparo
Since its adoption in Nice in 2000 and until 2020, the Spanish Constitutional
Court has issued within the framework of appeals for amparo 28 resolutions in which it
has referred to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of ...
Ciudadanía europea y protección de la vida familiar. Especial referencia a los nuevos modelos de familia
The protection of a citizen’s right to family life within the framework of the
European Union depends both on the recognition of the freedoms of movement and
residence of the members of the family (children, spouse...), ...
The unconvicted detention of persons with mental impairments: the ECHR “unsound” that does not sound
Detention is an acknowledged violation of the right to liberty that
enforces criminal law procedures. It is a coercive measure that aims to guarantee
social freedom, security and justice. However, there are categories ...
Implementation of the Charter of fundamental rights by the Spanish Courts in the Junqueras case
This paper analyses the main decisions taken by the Spanish Supreme
Court (SC) and the Spanish Constitutional Court (CC) in the Junqueras case that
make explicit reference to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the ...