Sfoglia Freedom, Security & Justice: European Legal Studies (2023), n.1 per Titolo
Items 1-9 di 9
La riservatezza dei dati biometrici nello Spazio europeo dei diritti fondamentali: sui limiti all’utilizzo delle tecnologie di riconoscimento facciale
(2023)Facial recognition technology is a biometric-based technology that processes sensitive personal data, namely biometric data, and thus constitutes a limitation of the right to privacy. Moreover, with reference to its most ... -
Difesa comune europea, “Strategic Compass” e valore (costituzionale) della pace
(2023)In an increasingly fragmented and disunited geopolitical context, we are witnessing an incessant, strong change in the global space and the emergence of new threats, traditional or hybrid, which contribute to enriching ... -
A Legal Analysis of the Contributing Factors to Trafficking in Women: Points of Strength and Weakness of the Recent Developments in Europe
(2023)The purpose of this contribution is first to build the legal connections between anti-trafficking law, gender and international refugee law. The paper will then move to “contributing factors” to trafficking with the ... -
Sorority, Equality and European Private International Law
(2023)Gender perspective in Private International Law can be claimed through the so-called “sorority”: solidarity between women against sexual discrimination. Private International Law can become an ethical tool to fight for ... -
La tutela dei minorenni indagati o imputati in procedimenti penali: l’attuazione della direttiva 2016/800/UE in Italia alla prova dei diritti fondamentali
(2023)The contribution dwells on Directive 2016/800/EU, put in the context of the measures adopted in the field of judicial cooperation in criminal matters and with an impact on juvenile criminal proceedings. The instrument, ... -
Regolamento (UE) 2019/452 e meccanismi di controllo degli investimenti esteri diretti: il vaglio europeo sul caso ungherese
(2023)This paper analyzes the delicate balance between national security concerns and EU law, focusing on the control mechanisms of foreign direct investment (FDI) as a vivid example of the come-back of the State and the ... -
Il crescente rilievo della child relocation: una panoramica degli strumenti rilevanti di diritto internazionale ed europeo
(2023)The child relocation is defined as the lawful transfer of a child by one parent with the consent of the other. Child relocation cases could generate a lot of controversies. The growing number of families with transnational ... -
Relocation: Expression of Solidarity or State-Centric Cherry-Picking Process?
(2023)This article deals with the relocation of international protection-seekers between EU Member States, an instrument originally intended as an expression of solidarity and protection of the most vulnerable claimants. It ...