• ¿Han funcionado las constituciones del nuevo constitucionalismo latinoamericano? 

      Martinez Dalmau, Ruben (2018)
      Since the nineties of the last century Latin America is experiencing a cycle of democratic constituent processes that is usually known in the doctrine as new constitutionalism. Decades after its approval, it is necessary ...
    • Hardcore history: ovvero la storia in podcast 

      Salvatori, Enrica <Università di Pisa> (E. Salvatori, Hardcore history: ovvero la storia in podcast, «Memoria e Ricerca», 30, 2009, pp. 171-187, 2009)
      his essay wish to analyze several podcasts of historical subject, independent and institutional ones, that have simple popular contents or educational aims or commercial purposes. The analysis is lead on podcast in Italian, ...
    • Harmful competition in the insurance markets 

      De Feo, Giuseppe; Hindriks, Jean (2010)
      There is a general presumption that competition is a good thing. In this paper we show that competition in the insurance markets can be bad and that adverse selection is in general worse under competition than under ...
    • Harmonic focus versus conventional electrocautery for femoral artery exposure: a "direct" comparison on the same patients 

      Maisto, Maria; Ferrante, Liborio; Giribono, Anna Maria; Sodo, Maurizio; Panagrosso, Marco; Peluso, Andrea; Del Guercio, Luca; Bracale, Umberto Marcello (2020)
      Surgical access complications during endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) are reported relatively frequent. HARMONIC FOCUS® (HF; Ethicon EndoSurgery Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, USA) is a device developed to improve bleeding ...
    • Health Literacy 

      Annarumma, Carmela (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2012-07-29)
      The increasing interest in health literacy is due to the universally recognized assumption that health and knowledge are crucial assets for well being, both for individuals and the community. Health literacy, is no longer ...
    • Health tourism: an opportunity for sustainable development 

      Illario, Maddalena; De Luca, Vincenzo; Leonardini, Lisa; Kucharczyk, Maciej; Parent, Anne-Sophie; Dantas, Carina; Jegundo, Ana Luísa; Van Staalduinen, Willeke; Ganzarain, Javier; Comisso, Leopoldo; Bramezza, Carlo; Carriazo, Ana Maria; Maritati, Antonio; Tramontano, Giovanni; Capozzi, Pierfrancesco; Goossens, Eva; Cotrone, Carmela; Costantini, Arianna; Ciliberti, Michela; Femiano, Maria; D’Amore, Antonio; Forlenza, Maria; Ruggiero, Rosa; Bianchi, Attilio; Augustin, Lua; Marrazzo, Vincenzo; Dello Ioio, Tristano; Capaldo, Steven J.; Crudeli, Aurelio; De Cesare, Giovanni; Cuccaro, Fausta; Bracale, Giancarlo; Tramontano, Donatella; Postiglione, Amedeo; Matera, Camilla; Coscioni, Enrico; Bousquet, Jean (2019)
      In February 2017, the “Programma Mattone Internazionale Salute” (ProMis), that is the Italian Program for Internationalization of Regional Health Systems of the Ministry of Health (MoH), presented the first version of ...
    • Heart Failure in a Dedicated Outpatient Clinic: Results after 58 Month Follow-Up. Can it be Enough? 

      Mirra, Marco; Vitulano, Gennaro; Virtuoso, N.; Tufano, Nicola; D’Auria, Francesco; De Angelis, S.; Giudice, Roberta; Lambiase, Alessandro; Gigantino, Alberto; Piscione, Federico (2015)
      Incidence of chronic heart failure (HF) is rapidly increasing, approaching a 10 per 1000 rate after 65 years of age. In the last decades, despite pharmacological, interventional and supportive innovations, HF prognosis ...
    • Hegel and the Experience of Forgiveness. Starting from the spirit of Christianity 

      Caramelli, Eleonora (2017)
      The aim of this paper is to explore the theme of forgiveness in Hegelian philosophy - especially as it appears in the early text The Spirit of Christianity and Its Fate and in the Phenomenology of Spirit - with the aim of ...
    • Hegel, Mariátegui y la libertad en el mundo andino 

      Hernández Soto, Javier Eduardo (2022)
      This research relates Hegel and Mariátegui. The first, a universal thinker of current relevance, has a vision of history and cultures based on a special conception of freedom, which marks the development of the spirit. But ...
    • Hegemo nía y sujeto: hacia una comprensión ontológica del término desde el contexto de América Latina 

      Pérez Portales, Oscar (2020)
      This research article analyzes, through a qualitative methodology, the contributions of contemporary critical thinking to an ontological foundation of hegemony. Understanding this as a subjective process of regulation of ...
    • Heißes Zeug, kühle Speicher, graue Literatur 

      Groebner, Valentin (V. Groebner, Heißes Zeug, kühle Speicher, graue Literatur, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 6, 2014)
      Können Sie sie noch hören, die Verheißungen von der Abschaffung aller Hierarchien durch die Vernetzung? Auflösung aller Grenzen, alles für alle, das gelobte Land Digitalien in unmittelbarer Reichweite: Wenn wir nur kreativ ...
    • Help wanted: Thoughts on the recent boom in academic public history jobs 

      Parsons, Anne; Kelland, Lara (L. Kelland and A. Parsons, Help wanted: Thoughts on the recent boom in academic public history jobs «History@Work. The NCPH Blog», 17 september 2012, 2012)
    • ‘Heretics’ and protestant ‘Heresies’ in 16th Century Spanish Sicily 

      Abbate, Alessandro (2022)
      The Spanish viceroyalty of Sicily, like the main part of the Old Continent, was invested by the development of the Protestant Reformation ideas from the 30’s of the XVI century. They deeply seeped through the Sicilian ...
    • Heterocyclic architecture for the synthesis of anti-HIV protease and anti-cancer compounds 

      D'Orsi, Rosarita (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2020-02-14)
      Introduction of heterocycle moieties in a bioactive molecule can have important effects on physicochemical and pharmacological properties, because of their chemical stability, their structural rigidity and due to the ...
    • «Hey Alfredo, dove te ne vai con quella pistola in mano?». Di rock classico, femminicidio e altre scorrettezze 

      Luparini, Alessandro (A. Luparini, "«Hey Alfredo, dove te ne vai con quella pistola in mano?». Di rock classico, femminicidio e altre scorrettezze", «Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi», 2022, n.6, pp. 231-236, 2022)
      Influenzato dai canoni del blues e di altre forme di musica tradizionale, il rock degli anni Sessanta e Settanta dello scorso secolo dà ampio spazio a temi e termini oggi considerati inaccettabili, a cominciare dal ...
    • Hidden architectures. History and drawing of “Unseen” towers in the province of Salerno 

      Morena, Sara (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2018-06-04)
      The interest in the protection and conservation of Cultural Heritage and the growing role that it plays in the development ofthe national policies, represents a valid reason to focus the attention ofthe research in this ...
    • Hidden Structures and Conflicting Items in Combinatorial Optimization Problems 

      Serra, Domenico (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2023-02-14)
      Combinatorial optimization-based methods are widely used to solve complex real life problems. In this thesis, we use some of these methods for addressing several emerging combinatorial opti- mization problems on graphs ...
    • L'High Frequency Trading: impatto sulla volatilità, efficienza dei mercati ed il meccanismo di scoperta dei prezzi 

      Ventrone, Angelo (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2021-11-02)
      The research work arises from the interest in the dissemination of algorithms in modern financial markets... [edited by Author]
    • High Cell Density Cultivation to Produce Heterologous Proteins by S. cerevisiae Strains: a Holistic Approach to Investigate and Optimize the System 

      Landi, Carmine (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2014-04-22)
      The research of this PhD thesis has been focused on the study and realization of high cell density cultivation (HCDC) systems with auxotrophic strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, these latter to be used as hosts ...