Now showing items 1-10 of 944
Incertezza, futuro, narrazione
(Fisciano: NaSC Free Press, 2021)
I disastri e le modalità attraverso cui l’umanità può trovare il suo sviluppo dirigono la riflessione inevitabilmente verso una lettura sociologica dei fenomeni socioculturali, alla “cultura del rischio” e alla coscienza ...
Alcuni cenni sulla gestione delle frontiere dell’Unione europea e la disciplina della protezione internazionale in Italia. Quali garanzie per la sicurezza e il rispetto dei diritti fondamentali?
The aim of the article is to examine some recent EU legislative acts in the
field of migration that have an impact on the fight against international terrorism in
the Schengen area and to critically analyze the regulatory ...
L’Unione europea e l’erosione dello Stato di diritto in Polonia
This contribution reconstructs the most relevant contents of the judicial
reform promoted in Poland by the dominant party «Law and Justice» (PiS) since
2015, focusing on the responses offered by the European Union to ...
La protezione giuridica delle coppie omosessuali nell’ambito europeo: sviluppi e prospettive
The present article aims to analyze the influences of the multilevel
protection of fundamental rights on same-sex relationships, with a special focus on
the European Convention of Human Rights. The contribution points ...
Rapporti tra ordinamenti e cooperazione tra Corti nella definizione di un “livello comune di tutela” dei diritti fondamentali. Riflessioni a seguito dell’ordinanza 182/2020 della Corte costituzionale
With the famous obiter dictum contained in its judgment no. 269/2017,
the Italian Constitutional Court redefinedthe consolidated structures of the relations
between the Court of Justice of the European Union, the ...
Applicazione di tracciamento Immuni tra normativa nazionale e diritto UE in materia di protezione dei dati personali
This article aims to assess the compatibility with EU data protection law
of decree law no. 28 of 30 April 2020 – converted into law no. 70 of 25 June 2020 –
which allows, for reasons of public health and in order to ...
Fundamental Rights and Disruptive Technologies: a Right to Personal Identity under the European Multi-level System of Protection?
This paper explores the protection offered by the EU and the ECHR to
the right to personal identity. The need to protect personal identity arises from the
use of disruptive technologies (as blockchain) that allow the ...
La Convenzione quadro sul valore del patrimonio culturale per la società e la sua interazione nello spazio giuridico europeo. Spunti di riflessione
The article deals with the relationship between the new approach to
cultural heritage adopted by the Council of Europe Convention on the value of
cultural heritage for society, better known as the Faro Convention, and ...
L’efficacia cross-border degli accordi stragiudiziali in materia familiare tra i regolamenti Bruxelles II-bis e Bruxelles II-ter
This article deals with the recognition and enforcement within the
European judicial area of out-of-court divorce (or separation) agreements resulting
from the two procedures introduced in Italy in 2014 by Decree-Law no. ...