Items 1-10 di 31
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Societies strive to achieve socio-economic systems that provide equal and broadbased
opportunities to their people. The concept of “equal opportunities” is a very
complex one, and encompasses many definitions and several ...
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High dimensional data analysis has become a popular research topic in the
recent years, due to the emergence of various new applications in several fields
of sciences underscoring the need for analysing massive data ...
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The thesis aims to develop and implement an operational model to identify, assess and improve the requirements of CSR communication and, consequently, increase legitimacy on Corporate Facebook Pages.
The study is divided ...
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The Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Models can be considered as a dynamic
multivariate extension of the univariate autoregressive models. This family of
models has become very popular in macroeconomics analysis after the ...
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This thesis aims to assess whether social safety net policies used in a very poor country can concretely provide relief from poverty in the short run, while encouraging children education in the long run. The economic ...
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This Phd thesis focuses on the evolution of tort law and on the concept of punitive damages. In order to analyse how the civil liability nowadays acts, worth noting is to investigate how different forms of
ultra-compensative ...
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Recently, regulatory compliance has become increasingly important in the banking and financial sector. Both the European legislator and the Authorities have imposed on banks and intermediaries a duty to implement an effective ...
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It is consumers’ perceived power (i.e. sense of power), and not their objective power, that directly triggers
psychological and behavioral consequences. Across three experiments, by employing different types of
experimental ...
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The thesis deals with the issue of banking conventions in wortkout agreements aimed at reorganizing the company in crisis. The theme is dealt with throught two interpretations: the bankruptcy law and the contract law, with ...
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The object of the research is the management of local revenues, mainly of the own taxes of the Entities; the analysis has led us through a series of fundamental steps to arrive at understanding the effectiveness or otherwise ...