Now showing items 1-10 of 19
Maschere del genio fra Pirandello, Ugo Fleres, Capuana, Livia De Stefani
In an article titled Sincerità (Ariel, 1898) Pirandello criticizes the artistic simulation,
particularly the theft of other authors’ motifs and ideas. On the same topic Pirandello’s
friend Ugo Fleres writes a novel, ...
«Ad occhi chiusi». Lacan (non) legge Poe
This paper muses on the famous Séminaire sur «La lettre volée» held by Jacques Lacan
on April 26, 1955, and published in the first volume of Écrits (1966). According to such
an analysis, Lacan isolated this narrative ...
«Recitando si impara a scrivere»: Goliarda Sapienza a teatro, tra biografia e documenti inediti
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Sinestesie, 2018)
Retracing Sapienza’s experience as an actress in two periods, 1941-1960 and 1982-
1989, regarding theater, television and radio, thanks to items never considered before,
this essay suggests a new chronology which enlightens ...
Piccoli lettori per una grande guerra: letture patriottiche per la scuola tra il 1915 e il 1920
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Sinestesie, 2018)
As part of the celebrations for the Centenary of the Great War, there have been many
initiatives aimed at examining, in addition to the historical aspects, the consequences
that the First World War has had on the society ...
Tra ‘saittelle’, vicoli e casini: per una “topografia esistenziale” della scrittura di Enzo Moscato
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Sinestesie, 2018)
The complex and suggestive literary production of Enzo Moscato, prolific and
polymorphic writer of the contemporary artistic scene, invariably returns a meticulous
fresco of the city of Naples which, in a varied and ...
Pirandello e Ibsen nel perimetro di scena ronconiano
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Sinestesie, 2018)
Ibsen and Pirandello represent two pillars of the great bourgeois theatre between the
XIX and XX centuries. Their works have always been subject to critical analysis and
theatrical representation, in particular, Gengångare ...
«Una realtà di puri echi»: simbolo e comunione in Pirandello, chi? di Amelio Memè Perlini
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Sinestesie, 2018)
The direction of theatre of the 1970s, as Valentina Valentini writes, characterized New
Theatre in Italy with its tendency to expand beyond geographic and disciplinary borders
and, at the same time, with its tension ...
Penso che un sogno così non ritorni mai più. In margine a un libro recente. [Recensione]
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Sinestesie, 2018)
Il Barone rampante di Italo Calvino visto da Marco Belpoliti. Un capolavoro a sessant’anni dalla pubblicazione
(Avellino : Associazione culturale Sinestesie, 2018)
The aim of this essay is to give an explanation of a novel by Italo Calvino, Il Barone
rampante. The work is set on a previous written entitled L’occhio di Calvino by Marco
Belpoliti. That will afford us to have an ...