• Recensioni 

      Diddi, Cristiano; Shishkin, Andrei; Discacciati, Ornella; Piacentini, Marcello; Lazarević Di Giacomo, Persida; Doti, Jacopo; Giust, Anna (2017)
      Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque Decreta, vol. IV. – The Great Councils of the Orthodox Churches. Decisions and Synodika. Editio critica. IV/1: From Constantinople 861 to Constantinople 1872; IV/2: From Moscow 1551 ...
    • Recensioni 

      Diddi, Cristiano; Ceccherelli, Andrea; Nicolescu, Tatiana; D'Amelia, Antonella; Zalambani, Maria; Coltré, Alessandro; Del Gaudio, Salvatore (2016)
    • Recensioni 

      Nosilia, Viviana; Lazarević, Persida; Giuliano, Giuseppina; Bertelè, Matteo; Zalambani, Maria; Cavallaro, Alessia (2018)
    • 'Remembering Aesi': Women's History, Dialogical Memorials and Sydney's Statuary 

      Lindsey, Kiera (K. Lindsey, ‘Remembering Aesi’: Women’s History, Dialogical Memorials and Sydney’s Statuary, «Public History Review», 28 (2021), pp. 1–16., 2021)
      In this article I draw upon a definition of ‘dialogical memorial’ offered by Brad West to offer an experimental artist's brief that outlines the various ways that a contemporary monument to the colonial artist, Adelaide ...
    • Repertorio biblico e mediazione liturgica e patristica nello Slovo na voznesenie di Kirill Turovskij 

      Romoli, Francesca (2017)
      Biblical Quotations, Liturgical and Patristic Mediation in the Slovo na voznesenie by Kirill Turovskij Given the role of liturgy in the culture of Slavia orthodoxa and its importance in Kirill Turovskij’s homiletics, the ...
    • La ricezione della letteratura russa per l’infanzia in Italia (1900-2017) 

      De Florio, Giulia (2017)
      The article investigates the history of reception of Russian children’s literature in Italy from 1900 until 2017. It includes a large corpus of volumes that represents a starting point for further research in this field. ...
    • Ricezione dell’esegesi patristica nella tradizione slava: osservazioni in margine ai testi sull’albero della Croce 

      Lomagistro, Barbara (2017)
      Church Fathers Exegesis in Slavic Christian Tradition: some remarks about the Holy Cross files. The paper focuses on the reception of exegetical writings of the Church Fathers in Slavic mediaeval society. At first, a ...
    • Un ricordo personale (e non solo) 

      D’Amelia, Antonella (2016)
    • Riflessioni sulla cultura contemporanea russa 

      D’Amelia, Antonella (2017)
    • La riforma ortografica ucraina: principali modifiche e sostanziali criticità 

      Ponomareva, Olena (2019)
      It is symptomatic that in the independent Ukraine the question of a new orthography has assumed a prominent role compared to other aspects of the language. Unlike other European languages, in addition to simplification ...
    • Righting History: Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 

      Kiem, Paul <HTANSW> (P. Kiem, Righting History: Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia, «Public History Review», 28 (2021), pp. 1-8., 2021)
      In recent years there has been ongoing controversy in the United States regarding monuments and place names commemorating the Confederate cause in the American Civil War. The following discussion focuses on Monument Avenue ...
    • Il ‘Ritratto di Frate Ludovico Marra’ nella Basilica di Santa Fara a Bari 

      Sica, Riccardo (2022-01)
      Il saggio attribuisce a Donato Piperno o a Paolo De Matteisil Ritratto di Frate Ludovico Marra che è nella Basilica di Santa Fara a Bari. La duplice ipotesi attributiva è il risultato di un’analisi dettagliata,stilistica ...
    • Un romanzo giallo sotto il segno dell'inferno 

      Cotugno, Anna Maria (2022-01)
      Nel saggio l’autrice conduce un’indagine intertestuale che evidenzia i termini del “dialogo” tra antico e moderno in cui la Commedia dantesca torna prepotentemente a costituire la fonte, sempre viva e attuale, a cui ...
    • Rosa Montero, La buena suerte, Al-faguara, Madrid 2020 

      Guarino, Augusto (2022-01)
      Recensione a ROSA MONTERO, La buena suerte, Alfaguara, Madrid 2020, 325 pp.
    • Lo sberleffo della rivolta nella poesia di Nowa Fala 

      Piacentini, Marcello (2019)
      The student revolt of March 1968 in Poland quickly succumbed under the wave of brutal violence and repression unleashed by the regime against the peaceful students and broader academic milieu. Polish students in their ...
    • Il Sessantotto a cavallo tra i blocchi: socialismi dal volto umano a Est e a Ovest 

      Lomellini, Valentine (2019)
      The article investigates the political change of the 1970s, due to the emergence of new political movements, and their dialogue with political parties. In particular, it provides an in-depth analysis of the relationship ...
    • Il Sessantotto in Slovenia 

      Steenwijk, Han (2019)
      In post-war Slovenia, student activism came to the fore, with growing intensity, in three separate phases, 1964, 1968 and 1970-1971, culminating in the occupation of the Faculty of Philosophy, Ljubljana University during ...
    • Set in Stone? Dialogical Memorialisation and the Beginnings of Australia’s Statue Wars 

      Scates, Bruce (B. Scates, Set in Stone? Dialogical Memorialisation and the Beginnings of Australia’s Statue Wars, «Public History Review», 28 (2021), pp.1–12, 2021)
      Memorials to white explorers and pioneers long stood (virtually) unchallenged in the heart of Australia’s towns and cities. By occupying civic space, they served to legitimise narratives of conquest and dispossession, ...
    • Should They Stay or Should They Go? Contested Statues 

      Yeats, Christine (C. Yeats, Should They Stay or Should They Go?: Contested Statues, «Public History Review», 28 (2021), pp. 1–3, 2021)
      This contribution considers the current debates about the place of monuments, such as the statue of Captain Cook in Hyde Park, which reached a recent high point during the Black Lives Matter protests across Australia in ...