ELPHi, Electronic Library of Public History: Recent submissions
Now showing items 381-400 of 961
Il memoriale italiano di Auschwitz come occasione di formazione professionale
(A. Burzi, "Il memoriale italiano di Auschwitz come occasione di formazione professionale", in L. Bravi, C. Martinelli, S. Oliviero (edited by), Raccontare la Resistenza a scuola, 2022, pp. 153-158, 2022)The italian Auschwitz memorial in Florence has been the basis for a didactic project where a fourth class in the vocational institute "Saffi" studies the exhibition for acting as a guide for visitors. There was a integration ... -
Quando le guide sono i ragazzi: una mostra sulla Resistenza. L’esperienza della II C della scuola secondaria di primo grado “I.C. Lorenzo Bartolini” di Vaiano (Prato)
(M. G. Oddone, "Quando le guide sono i ragazzi: una mostra sulla Resistenza. L’esperienza della II C della scuola secondaria di primo grado “I.C. Lorenzo Bartolini” di Vaiano (Prato)", in L. Bravi, C. Martinelli, S. Oliviero (edited by), Raccontare la Resistenza a scuola, 2022, pp. 159-169, 2022)The paper aims at dealing with the didactic experience realized between 2018 and 2019 in two classes of the comprehensive school Bartolini in Vaiano, near Prato. After some meeting with a local expert, and the utilisation ... -
L’educazione civica e la Resistenza: prospettive di Public History of Education
(C. Martinelli, "L’educazione civica e la Resistenza: prospettive di Public History of Education", in Raccontare la Resistenza a scuola, 2022, pp. 173-183, 2022)The introduction of civic education in the scholastic curriculum has offered to schools new opportunities for coping with the study of Resistance movement and other events occurred in contemporary history. Through some ... -
Le costituzioni nel vissuto. Rimuovere gli ostacoli: dalla Resistenza alla Costituzione
(E. Creati, C. Martinelli, "Le costituzioni nel vissuto. Rimuovere gli ostacoli: dalla Resistenza alla Costituzione", in Raccontare la Resistenza a scuola, 2022, pp. 185-191, 2022)This paper aims at describing the experience carried on by some pupils attending the third years at the vocational institute "Sismondi-Pacinotti" in Pescia, in the scholastic year 2018-19. Thruogh lessons and theatral ... -
Resistenze e storie di rom e sinti per costruire insieme la memoria collettiva
(E. Rizzin, "Resistenze e storie di rom e sinti per costruire insieme la memoria collettiva", in L. Bravi, C. Martinelli, S. Oliviero (edited by), Raccontare la Resistenza a scuola, 2022)The contribution aims at discussing the word "Resistenza" in the framework of the life of the communities sinti and rom, between present and past decades. On one side the paper aims at highlighting the contribution rom and ... -
Serge Noiret, Mark Tebeau, and Gerben Zaagsma: Handbook of Digital Public History
(P. Apostolopoulos, recensione a, Serge Noiret, Mark Tebeau, and Gerben Zaagsma: Handbook of Digital Public History, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 2, pp. 159-161, 2022) -
Thorsten Logge, Eva Schöck-Quinteros, and Nils Steffen: Review of Geschichte im Rampenlicht: Inszenierungen historischer Quellen im Theater
(J. Esleben, recensione a, Thorsten Logge, Eva Schöck-Quinteros, and Nils Steffen: Review of Geschichte im Rampenlicht: Inszenierungen historischer Quellen im Theater, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 2, pp.157-158, 2022)J. Esleben, recensione a, Thorsten Logge, Eva Schöck-Quinteros, and Nils Steffen: Review of Geschichte im Rampenlicht: Inszenierungen historischer Quellen im Theater, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 2, pp.157-158 -
Public History in Russia: The Past, the Present, and (Thoughts About) the Future
(A. Zavadski, V. Dubina, E. Isaev, A. Kolesnik, J. Lajus and K. Suverina, Public History in Russia: The Past, the Present, and (Thoughts About) the Future, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 2, pp. 143-156, 2022)This discussion’s participants – all public historians working on Russia, albeit from different disciplinary backgrounds and with different areas of expertise – speak about the past and the present of (public) history in ... -
Performing History in China: Cultural Memory in the Present
(N. Li, Performing History in China: Cultural Memory in the Present, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 2, pp. 127-141, 2022)Performing history has become immensely popular in China since the dawn of the twenty-first century. What is exactly the cultural impulse behind the massive craze for performing history in China? Premised on history being ... -
‘Fluid’ Identity in Text-Building: A Study of the Revitalization of Origin Tales in West Hunan, China
(L. Peng, ‘Fluid’ Identity in Text-Building: A Study of the Revitalization of Origin Tales in West Hunan, China, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 2, pp. 115-126, 2022)My research looks into the revitalization of Miao origin myths in the West Hunan minority ethnic autonomous prefecture in China. Based on two years of fieldwork and archival studies, I propose that West Hunan people’s ... -
Dark Academia: Curating Affective History in a COVID-Era Internet Aesthetic
(R.J. Adriaansen, Dark Academia: Curating Affective History in a COVID-Era Internet Aesthetic, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 2, pp. 105-114, 2022)Dark academia is an ‘internet aesthetic,’ an aesthetic style used in posts on platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and Tumblr that resonates the atmosphere of life in boarding schools, prep schools, and (Ivy League) colleges ... -
‘On Our Own Terms’: Refusal, Masks, and Indigenous Counter-narratives in Santiago de Chile Public Space
(O. Casagrande, ‘On Our Own Terms’: Refusal, Masks, and Indigenous Counter-narratives in Santiago de Chile Public Space, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 2, pp. 93-104, 2022)The exhibition MapsUrbe: The invisible City (December 2018 – January 2019) staged the creations of young Mapuche artists and activists addressing the politics and history of the indigenous diaspora in Santiago (Chile). ... -
Female Counter-Curation: A Case Study of Polish Napoleonic War Reenactment
(J. Tomann, Female Counter-Curation: A Case Study of Polish Napoleonic War Reenactment, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 2, pp. 81-92, 2022)Historical reenactment has developed from a niche phenomenon to a global one over the past couple of decades. As a popular pastime it sparks enthusiasm and curiosity for past lifeworlds among the reenactors themselves as ... -
Curation as a Social Practice: Counter-Narratives in Public Space
(T. Kathke, J. Tomann, M. Uhlig, Curation as a Social Practice: Counter-Narratives in Public Space, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 2, pp. 71-79, 2022)The term “curation” has taken on a host of meanings beyond the museum context. While there are marked differences between its meanings – including the specific act of exhibition-making as well as the act of keeping and ... -
The Commonalities of History, Public History, and History Education
(R. Santhiago, The Commonalities of History, Public History, and History Education, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 1, pp. 65-69, 2022) -
Suga Yutaka and Hojo Katsutaka: Paburikku hīsutori nyūmon
(H. Shimoda, recensione di, Suga Yutaka and Hojo Katsutaka: Paburikku hīsutori nyūmon, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 1, pp. 63-64, 2022) -
Martin Lücke and Irmgard Zündorf: Einführung in die Public History
(C. Arendes, recensione di, Martin Lücke and Irmgard Zündorf, Einführung in die Public History, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, «International Public History», vol. 5, 2022, n. 1, pp. 57-58, 2022) -
Na Li: Public History: A Critical Introduction
(B. Yuanhui and Y. Yufang, recensione di, Na Li: Public History: A Critical Introduction, «Lifelong, Lifewide Learning», vol. 5, 2021, n. 1, 2022, pp. 59-61, 2022) -
Leggere di nascosto in età contemporanea. Un seminario costruito con fonti orali tra Public History e Library learning
(M. Dati, Leggere di nascosto in età contemporanea. Un seminario costruito con fonti orali tra Public History e Library learning, «Lifelong, Lifewide Learning», 17, 2021, n. 38, pp. 397-409, 2021)Il presente articolo vuole essere un resoconto del seminario Libri clandestini. Letti di nascosto, censurati, proibiti. Un excursus storico, svolto presso la Biblioteca Civica Agorà di Lucca il 10 settembre 2020. Costruito ... -
Come nasce un lettore. Ricordi di lettura e memorie di educazione familiare a partire dal progetto Madeleine in biblioteca
(M. Dati, Come nasce un lettore. Ricordi di lettura e memorie di educazione familiare a partire dal progetto Madeleine in biblioteca, «Rivista italiana di educazione familiare», 18, 2021, n. 1, pp. 317-335, 2021)The paper is focused on the Madeleine in biblioteca project, which has been realized in cooperation with “Agorà” civic library in Lucca (Italy). It was aimed at recovering reading stories, from childhood to adulthood. The ...