ELPHi, Electronic Library of Public History: Recent submissions
Now showing items 741-760 of 961
Hardcore history: ovvero la storia in podcast
(E. Salvatori, Hardcore history: ovvero la storia in podcast, «Memoria e Ricerca», 30, 2009, pp. 171-187, 2009)his essay wish to analyze several podcasts of historical subject, independent and institutional ones, that have simple popular contents or educational aims or commercial purposes. The analysis is lead on podcast in Italian, ... -
Una Italian Public History per la seconda Repubblica
(M. Ravveduto, Una Italian Public History per la seconda Repubblica, «Officina della Storia», 2013, n. 10, 2013) -
Social protest photography and public history: “Whose streets? Our streets!”: New York City, 1980–2000
(T. W. Carroll, Social protest photography and public history: “Whose streets? Our streets!”: New York City, 1980–2000, «Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences», 57, n. 1, 2021, pp. 34-59., 2021)“Whose streets? Our streets!,” a traveling exhibition thatdebuted at the Bronx Documentary Center in January2017, brings together the work of 37 independent photo-graphers who covered protests in New York City between1980 ... -
Le mieux est l’ennemi du bien». Roy Rosenzweig e il dibattito americano sulla public history agli albori del World Wide Web
(F. Guidali, Le mieux est l’ennemi du bien. Roy Rosenzweig e il dibattito americano sulla public history agli albori del World Wide Web, «ACME», 71, n. 2, 2018, pp. 179-198, 2018)Lo studio prende in esame il contributo fornito da Roy Rosenzweig al dibattito sulla public history tra gli anni Ottanta e i primi anni Duemila, una fase in cui il mondo accademico e quello scolastico iniziavano a scoprire ... -
Digital Humanities pedagogy: practices, principles and politics
(B.D. Hirsch, "Digital Humanities pedagogy: practices, principles and politics", Cambridge, Open Book Publisher, 2012)Academic institutions are starting to recognize the growing public interest in digital humanities research, and there is an increasing demand from students for formal training in its methods. Despite the pressure on ... -
Public History e Patrimoine: due casi di storia applicata
(A. Torre, Public History e Patrimoine: due casi di storia applicata, «Quaderni storici», n. 3, 2015, pp. 629-660, 2015)The work seeks to reflect on the alleged crisis of history today by comparing the different ways in which historical disciplines have developed outside the academy during the 1970s and 1980s. For that it tries to reconstruct ... -
A duty, an opportunity and a pleasure”: connecting archives and public history
(M Haunton, G. Salzedo, A duty, an opportunity and a pleasure: connecting archives and public history, «Archives and Records», 42, n. 1, 2021, pp. 40-57, 2021)This article explores the intersection of public history and archives, with particular reference to the practice of promoting broad participation in interpreting the historical past. Key concepts in public history such as ... -
History Unbounded: A Relaunch of the Public History Review Section
(B. Horrigan, F. Kathleen, History Unbounded: A Relaunch of the Public History Review Section, «Journal of American History», 105, n. 1, 2018, pp. 121-125, 2018)In 1989 Thomas J. Schlereth inaugurated the Exhibition Reviews section of the Journal of American History, arguing that “museum exhibits and their related elements” were “a distinct medium for identifying, organizing, ... -
Roman Women and Public History: la creatività del Web
(I. G. Mastrorosa, Roman Women and Public History: la creatività del Web, «Storia delle donne», 14, 2018, n.1, pp. 43-65, 2018)Moving from the mid-seventies’ debate in the USA on women’s role in the Ancient World, this paper highlights its contribution to a more articulated view of Roman women. It has left its mark not only on subsequent historiography, ... -
Making public history: Statues and memorials
(H. Kean, Making Public History: Statues and Memorials, «Public History Review», 2021, 28, pp. 1-7, 2021)In working on this edition Keira Lindsay and Mariko Smith have asked ‘whether monuments should be deconstructed, reconstructed or destroyed.’1 Clearly attention to statues and memorials has recently been explored in ... -
What Can Public History Do for Museums, What Can Museums Do for Public History?
(I. Porciani, What Can Public History Do for Museums, What Can Museums Do for Public History?, «Memoria e Ricerca. Rivista di storia contemporanea», 2017, 1, pp. 21-40, 2017)In the early 19th century, at the dawn of the historical professions, historians did not dismiss working with objects and collaborating with museums. It was the increasing professionalization of the discipline of history ... -
La valorizzazione del patrimonio bibliotecario tra public engagement e public history
(F. Sabba, La valorizzazione del patrimonio bibliotecario tra public engagement e public history, «AIB Studi», 2020, 60, 1, pp. 9-18, 2020)Le biblioteche, attraverso i servizi, le attività, i professionisti e i cittadini, si possono fare luoghi attivi della dialettica tra politica e storia, memoria e storia, realtà locale e globale, esperienza istituzionale ... -
Public history and contested heritage: memories of the bombing of Italy in the International Bomber Command Centre Digital Archive
(G. Fedele, Z. Gaiaschi, H. Hughes, A. Pesaro, Public History and Contested Heritage: Archival Memories of the Bombing of Italy, «Public History Review», 2020, 27, pp. 1-18., 2020)In recent years public historians have made concerted attempts to internationalise their practice.1 The editors of a recent collection note that public history remains rooted in ‘the local’, although it may acquire ... -
Donne del Risorgimento e Public History nel 150° dell’Unità nazionale: appunti su un’inclusione irrisolta
(M.P. Casalena, Donne del Risorgimento e Public History nel 150° dell’Unità nazionale: appunti su un’inclusione irrisolta, «Storia delle Donne», 2018, 14, 1, 67-81, 2018)The history of women is gradually integrating with the public narratives of Italian history, political and social, national and local. Public History products that appeared during or were solicited by the 150th ... -
Public History Now and Then
(Arnita A. Jones, Public History Now and Then, «The Public Historian», 1999, 21, 3, pp. 21-28, 1999)MY INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC HISTORY began in 1977 as a part of my work with the National Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of History, a consortium that had recently been organized by the American Historical Association ... -
The Origins of "The Public Historian" and the National Council on Public History
(G. Wesley Johnson, The Origins of "The Public Historian" and the National Council on Public History, «The Public Historian», 1999, 21, 3, pp.167-179., 1999)I HAVE BEEN ASKED to provide a brief history of the founding of this journal, The Public Historian, and of its sponsor, the National Council on Public History. The journal celebrated its twentieth anniversary last year, ... -
Public Policy and the Public Historian: The Changing Place of Historians in Public Life in France and the UK
(M. Stevens, Public Policy and the Public Historian: The Changing Place of Historians in Public Life in France and the UK, «The Public Historian», 2010, 32, 3, pp. 120–138, 2010)In 2002 the History and Policy network was set up in the UK in order to connect British historians with policymakers and “increase the influence of historicalresearch over current policy.” At the same time a reverse process ... -
Public History: un ponte tra la piazza e l'università
(E. Salvatori, Public History: un ponte tra la piazza e l'università, in "Nei panni della Storia. Rievocare. Il mondo dei ri-costruttori: istruzioni per l'uso", Gubbio, EFG, 2021, 2021)Abstract del volume: Viaggio dietro le quinte delle manifestazioni ispirate alla storia. Tra passione e filologia. E diversi punti di vista. Sulle piazze reali e anche su quelle del web. Tra re-enactment e semplice ... -
Note sulle origini della Public History italiana ed internazionale
(S. Noiret, Note sulle origini della Public History italiana ed internazionale, «Officina della Storia», 21, 2019, 2019)