Now showing items 2195-2214 of 6037

    • Historians, Public History, and Transitional Justice: Baltic Experiences 

      Pettai, Eva-Clarita <Imre Kertész Kolleg, University of Jena, Jena, Germany> (E.C. Pettai, Historians, Public History, and Transitional Justice: Baltic Experiences, «International Public History», vol. 3, 2020, n. 2, 2020)
      How does public history correlate with issues of transitional justice and democratization? What are the roles and functions of professional historians during revolutionary moments and in the building of democratic culture ...
    • Historical Consciousness and Transitional Justice in Post-War Sri Lanka 

      Dewasiri, Nirmal <University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka> (N. Dewasiri, Historical Consciousness and Transitional Justice in Post-War Sri Lanka, «International Public History», vol. 3, 2020, n. 2, 2020, 2020)
      Historical consciousness is a decisive factor in Sri Lanka with regards to the relationships between Sinhala and Tamil ethnic communities. It functioned as a great divide between these two communities. It was also used as ...
    • Historical GIS 

      Mogorovich, Paolo <Università di Pisa>; Salvatori, Enrica <Università di Pisa> (P. Mogorovich, E. Salvatori, "Historical GIS", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 419-430, 2022)
      The historical GIS is, without any doubt, a powerful means of communica-tion of historical phenomena for the public and also of collecting georeferenceablehistorical source through crowdsourcing activities, but the complexity ...
    • Historical Thinking. Diagnose Learning Processes Instead of Assessing Performance 

      Thünemann, Holger (H. Thünemann, Historical Thinking. Diagnose Learning Processes Instead of Assessing Performance, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 19, 2014)
      “If you wish to improve teaching and learning, you have to attend to teaching and learning.” With this statement, Bruce A. VanSledright suggests to leave the current fixation on large-scale assessment of historical thinking ...
    • History and Politics and the Politics of History: Poland and Its Museums of Contemporary History 

      Etges, Andreas <University of Munich (LMU), Munich, Germany>; Zündorf, Irmgard <Centre for Contemporary History, Potsdam, Germany>; Machcewicz, Paweł <Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences> (A. Etges, I. Zündorf, P. Machcewicz, History and Politics and the Politics of History: Poland and Its Museums of Contemporary History, «International Public History», 1, 2018, n. 1, pp. 1-12, 2018)
      The Polish museum landscape has turned into a battleground between politicians and historians. Much of that has focused on the highly praised Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk which opened in March 2017. Its founding ...
    • History and Video Games 

      Rochat, Yannick <Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland> (Y. Rochat, "History and Video Games", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 475-484, 2022)
      The aim of this chapter is to highlight some of the constraints present inthe development of games with historical settings, and to explain why historical fal-lacies are sometimes included in games, even though the authors ...
    • History Museums: Enhancing Audience Engagement through Digital Technologies 

      Walker, William S. <State University of New York, USA> (W. S. Walker, "History Museums: Enhancing Audience Engagement through Digital Technologies", in Handbook of Digital Public History, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022, pp. 165-174, 2022)
      This essay argues that simply putting a museum’s collection online, or cre-ating a digital kiosk that includes a collections database, does not constitute audienceengagement. History museums utilize the tools and methods ...
    • History Teaching in the Focus of the Swiss People’s Party – The way Policies Take Influence on Schools, too 

      Gautschi, Peter (P. Gautschi "History Teaching in the Focus of the Swiss People’s Party – The way Policies Take Influence on Schools, too", in M. Demantowsky (a cura di), Public History and School: International Perspectives, pp. 137-151, 2018)
    • History Unbounded: A Relaunch of the Public History Review Section 

      Horrigan, Brian; Franz, Kathleen (B. Horrigan, F. Kathleen, History Unbounded: A Relaunch of the Public History Review Section, «Journal of American History», 105, n. 1, 2018, pp. 121-125, 2018)
      In 1989 Thomas J. Schlereth inaugurated the Exhibition Reviews section of the Journal of American History, arguing that “museum exhibits and their related elements” were “a distinct medium for identifying, organizing, ...
    • História Pública Digital 

      Noiret, Serge <Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze> (S. Noiret, História Pública Digital / Digital Public History, «Liinc Em Revista», 11, 2015, n.1, pp. 28-51, (2015)
      A virada digital na história reformulou nossa documentação, transformou as ferramentas usadas para armazenar, tratar e acessar a informação, e, por vezes, adiantou novasquestões ...
    • História Pública: entre conceitos, lugares e experiências 

      Pereira, Márcio José (Maringá, PR : Edições Diálogos; Rio de Janeiro, RJ : ProfHistória, 2023)
    • A holistic approach to hospital material management process reengineering by means of the MRP algorithm 

      Sarno, Debora (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2014-02-21)
      The Hospital Materials Management (HMM) process deals with the coordination of all activities related to material ordering, holding, and administrating It is usually treated with a look-back approach (called AS IS process), ...
    • Homo digitalis 

      Noiret, Serge <Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze> (S. Noiret, Homo Digitalis, in D. Paci (a cura di), "La storia in digitale: teorie e metodologie", Milano, Unicopli, 2019, pp.8-19, (2019)
    • Hot Property, Cool Storage, Grey Literature 

      Groebner, Valentin (V. Groebner, Hot Property, Cool Storage, Grey Literature, «Public history weekly», 2, 2014, n. 6, 2014)
      Are you still listening to the promises that interconnectedness would abolish all hierarchies, that that mythical entity, “The Web,” would dissolve all boundaries, providing everything for everyone, a promised digital realm ...
    • How an Italian Amorphous Space Became a Twelver Shi’a Mosque 

      Mirshahvalad, Minoo (Fisciano: ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge, 2018)
      This paper aims to explore the sense of “mosque” for Italy’s Twelver Shi’as through the study of a Shi’a organisation based in Turin. Some comparative references to Shi’a centres in Padua and Milan will demonstrate different ...
    • How do the institutions involved in scientific collaboration deal with different kinds of distance? An analysis of the co-authorships of scientific publications 

      D'Amore, Rosamaria; Iorio, Roberto; Labory, Sandrine; Stawinoga, Agnieszka (2012)
      In the scientific collaborations among different institutions at least two types of distance may be identified: spatial and institutional. We talk about spatial distance if the institutions are located in different places; ...
    • “How Do We Play this Thing?”: The State of Historical Research on Videogames 

      Guay-Bélanger, Dany <Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada> (G.B. Dany, “How Do We Play this Thing?”: The State of Historical Research on Videogames, «International Public History», vol. 4, 2021, n. 1, 2021)
      Though previously overlooked by academia, scholars from a wide array of fields now consider videogames as a serious subject of inquiry. The emergence of game studies as a standalone discipline has led to the publication ...
    • How healthy is community-dwelling elderly population? Results from southern Italy 

      Guerriero, Francesca; Orlando, Valentina; Tari, Daniele Ugo; Di Giorgio, Annalisa; Cittadini, Antonio; Trifirò, Gianluca; Menditto, Erica (2015)
      PURPOSE To explore the frequency of polypharmacy, functional and cognitive capacity among the elderly in Southern Italy. METHODS Populationbased retrospective cross-sectional study. Information were retrieved from ...
    • How sense of power shapes consumers’ evaluative judgements and decisions 

      Sardanelli, Domenico (Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2019-06-06)
      It is consumers’ perceived power (i.e. sense of power), and not their objective power, that directly triggers psychological and behavioral consequences. Across three experiments, by employing different types of experimental ...