Now showing items 1-10 of 562
Per un profilo di Giovanni Mestica
The essay reconstructs a profile of Giovanni Mestica, professor, literary critic and man
of institutions, referring above all to the commitment to promote the memory and
knowledge of Giacomo Leopardi and his work.
Arab-Muslim theatre defended
This article re-visits Greek and Arab-Muslim theatres from the avant-garde perspective
to illuminate the aesthetics of theatre to which scholars in the School of Orientalism and
the School of Arab Intelligentsia should ...
Maschere del genio fra Pirandello, Ugo Fleres, Capuana, Livia De Stefani
In an article titled Sincerità (Ariel, 1898) Pirandello criticizes the artistic simulation,
particularly the theft of other authors’ motifs and ideas. On the same topic Pirandello’s
friend Ugo Fleres writes a novel, ...
«Ad occhi chiusi». Lacan (non) legge Poe
This paper muses on the famous Séminaire sur «La lettre volée» held by Jacques Lacan
on April 26, 1955, and published in the first volume of Écrits (1966). According to such
an analysis, Lacan isolated this narrative ...
Un giallo italiano all’origine della ripresa del culto dantesco
In the essay, the author conducts an intertextual inquiry that highlights the terms of the
‘dialogue’ between ancient and modern, in which Dante’s Comedy invariably returns a
source the source, always alive and current, ...