Now showing items 1-10 of 246
Lo spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia alla prova delle più evolute forme di cooperazione amministrativa
The most advanced forms of administrative cooperation established by EU
law have marked the evolution from cooperation mechanisms having a merely auxiliary
character for the activities of national authorities (such as ...
Governing Asylum with (or without) Solidarity? The Difficult Path of Relocation Schemes, Between Enforcement and Contestation
The progressive emergence of EU policies on migration, asylum and visa
is based upon the Schengen integration process, which has conceptualized the EU’s
common external border as a juxtaposition of the MS ones. Upon this ...
La protezione dei dati nel settore della cooperazione giudiziaria e di polizia in materia penale alla luce della direttiva (UE) 2016/680: frammentazione ed incertezze applicative
Data protection in the context of law enforcement requires specific rules
because of the particular nature of the field. However, such rules have proliferated,
especially as a result of the problems of the EU institutions ...
Alcune note sulla dimensione esterna dello spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia dopo il Consiglio europeo di giugno 2017
In the last European Council (June 2017) security and defence are again at the top of the agenda a long time after the defaulting of the European Community Defence (1954). Security and safety are both essential. Globalisation ...
La transposición de la orden europea de investigación en materia penal en el ordenamiento español
The Directive 2014/41/EU, regarding the European Investigation Order in criminal matters, introduces into the field of judicial cooperation a new and necessary instrument of mutual recognition for the transnational acquisition ...
The fragmentation of reception conditions for asylum seekers in the European Union: Protecting fundamental rights or preventing long-term integration?
This article investigates the unequal treatment of asylum seekers across the European Union (EU). In particular, this article explores the way in which Directive 2013/33/EU (the “Reception Conditions Directive”) itself ...
La ayuda humanitaria en la Unión Europea ante el reto de los flujos migratorios
Why is the political system of the EU not able to respect, within its borders, the principles and values that are in the spirit of the treaties - the same principles and values that it has so soundly advocated outside them, ...
I cittadini europei inattivi e le condizioni per l'accesso alle prestazioni di assistenza sociale in uno Stato membro ospitante: quale lezione dall'ordinamento USA?
EU migrants’ access to social assistance appears still strongly and incrementally related to the duration of their residency in the host Member State. In the US legal order, the mere bona fide simple residence is sufficient ...